you are the only one i need

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this is the last female harry and louis one shot for now but if y'all want more let me know and i'd be happy to provide, enjoy!


Nothing was the same since they last date anniversary, Harry and Louis started to argue a lot and their relationship just ended in the most hurting way as possible, hurting themselves without knowing why and every argument they tried to find wasn't good enough.

Harry since they broke up didn't stop to think about Louis a second, she used to hold her phone and tried to call Louis uncountable times, not that she wasn't brave enough to doing that, but is that she was very afraid of Louis reaction and the last time she tried to say something she ruined the little hope she had inside and she knows that she made Louis's hope went away also. She felt so gutted about the end of their relationship that she just wanted to disappear forever.

Look at her arms and body after all was the worst thing ever, every matching tattoo in her body makes her miss Louis more than ever, she just wanted this to end, just wanted see Louis face again, feel her warm lips against hers like a sign that everything was going to be alright.

Since they broke up, Harry always sees Louis in college even when she doesn't expect and she gets so sad about everything and everything in her life seems to go wrong since the last time they saw. She really doesn't know how to explain how the things got in this way but she really want to fix everything if it's still possible one day. All Harry knows is that Louis is the only one she needs, because of the simple fact she is her soulmate and yes Louis was the one that made her believes in soulmates and know she doesn't have any doubts about it.

Every-time she looks at her phone screen she feels that doesn't make sense talk to anybody because all she thinks about is Louis or a way she could talk with her again or how everything in her life makes her think about Louis and then everything gets so confusing.

Niall and Liam tried to talk with Harry a thousand times about the end of their relationship, but Harry always had some excuse about because she doesn't wanted to talk about it anymore, she got tired of trying to explain and hurts even more. Sometimes she thinks about Louis and asks herself if she feels the same way or worse because Louis doesn't seems to care at all and Harry always was the sensitive one, is the way she is and Louis knows that.

Harry was so jealous about Niall and Liam because they have a strong relationship and they seem a happy couple, making couple things and she couldn't take this anymore, looking them happy makes Louis the first thing on her mind always and she just wanted to be a little far of them, trying to run a little from Louis in her mind.

Louis used to call Niall and send messages everyday asking about how was Harry and she never knew that. Niall was always in the middle of the fire trying to be a good friend for both, listening the girls crying or supporting the way she could but she was very worried about the two girls that loved each other more than everything that weren't together. How that was even possible? Niall thought a billion of times trying to understand what was going on, for Niall love was more simple and all that she wanted was to think about a solution for her two friends that were made for each other.

Niall didn't know what to do seeing Harry so sad everyday, as her friend she was always trying to get her happy and distract her a little, she got thru it once and knows how hard is, she just wanted to help the two get back together.

Niall arrived at home that night, thinking a lot about Harry and Louis. She had a conversation with Harry that day and she was worried about them.

"Hi babe." She kissed Liam that was waiting for her in their apartment.

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