london calls me a stranger

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that's all for tonight loves enjoy!


The deep brown wood of the door seems to stare back at the young omega as he raises his fist and raps his knuckles against the border between him and a person, unknown except for name and address, who ordered a suit from some designer whose clothes are worth more than the boy's life. A box rests between his hand and thigh, waiting to be returned to its rightful owner. That rightful owner's name is typed out on the label, the omega has read over it several times and knows exactly how to spell it, could write it with his eyes closed, speak it in a room full of commotion and raucous, sees it every time he closes his eyes to blink. He truly knows everything about the label that reads; Louis Tomlinson.

Standing outside of someone's flat is definitely not how the boy had imagined spending his Saturday morning. The omega, Harry by name, would rather be laid in his bed wearing his silk robe as he scrolls through his phone aimlessly. The only reason he is even in this position is because of a mailman's careless mistake of delivering the box to the wrong flat number.

Before he can reminisce on how wonderful his day was going before his mother told him to find the owner of the package, the door swings open and a groggy man without a shirt stands before him. Suddenly Harry's day is just as great if not better than it was when he woke up to a good morning text from some alpha that has been pining for him for years even though Harry has made it quite obviously that he doesn't feel the same. Harry admires his efforts nonetheless.

Harry is unaware of where to start with the man that stands a few inches taller than him. With his chest hair and tattoos, he's clearly older than the omega by a few years at the least. As Harry's eyes examine the expanse of skin on the man's torso, he notices several things. This man, who must be Louis, is fit to say the least. He's all muscle and tan skin with sharp features and strong biceps. What really catches Harry's attention though is the strong aroma that Louis gives off. It's so distinctly alpha that there is no possible way he could be anything other than an alpha, but it's the most pleasant scent of one that Harry has ever smelled before.

The man, Harry notices, is blatantly obvious in his checking out Harry. At least the younger had attempted to be discreet. Perhaps it's the sleep clouding his mind that has Louis looking the omega up and down before doing it again, this time stopping at the certain parts of Harry's body that he finds especially enticing. These parts include his thighs, the curve of his waist, and the curls on top of his head. Harry can only pretend to be offended by Louis' prurient eyes.

He allows Louis to look over his body for a few more moments before he holds out the box, snapping Louis and himself from their aphrodisiacal thoughts. The alpha examines the box as he takes it from the boy.

"Incompetent mailmen. I had hoped that they would be better in London," the man sighs before looking back at Harry, examining him and his curves one more time. "At least there is one thing that's better in London."

It's not as if Harry doesn't know what Louis is talking about. He knows that Louis is talking about him from the tone of his voice and the way he oh so conspicuously checked him out. He is what is better in London and as much as he loves having someone who is evidently a powerful alpha pining over him, he wants to take it further. He wants this proud alpha on his knees begging. Harry is ambitious, he knows, but he is also optimistic.

Peeking past the man, Harry notices that there are boxes carelessly placed on the floor inside the flat, littering the floor and creating something near a mess. He must have recently moved in. It's the only explanation. Harry has never seen him before.

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