you're not cute

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hey besties, i apologize for being MIA this last month i've been trying to enjoy my short-lived summer vacation before school starts up again. because i've kept you deprived heres a few chapters i hope y'all still love me <33 enjoy!


Louis was in his bed, sketch pad on his lap and pencil in his hands drawing out a new design for a tattoo he wanted when he faintly hear the sound of keys rattling and the door opening, two peoples footsteps and his mom's muffled voice, a loud 'clank' - obviously something metal hitting something- and heavy footsteps fading away, before the sound of the door closing could be heard.

"Louis! Can you come downstairs please?" He heard his mother call, rolling his eyes and setting down the sketch pad before hoping off of his bed and jogging down the stairs, his eyes immediately drawn to a large, cube shaped object with a blanket draped over it. "Louis, I want you to mee-" Louis' mum cut off when she turned around to face him. "Louis! Another? Really? Your face is going to be full of metal soon" Louis' mother scolded, eyeing the new lip ring Louis had gotten earlier. "I dunno, I like it." Louis shrugged, his tongue coming out to flick over it.

Louis' mom rolled her eyes before a bright smile made its way back onto her face. "Okay, Louis, there's something I want to show you" Louis' mom squeals with excitement and Louis guesses she's talking about whatever's in the box.

She tugs the sheet from over the cage and through the front Louis can see a boy? Yeah, it's a boy, it's defiantly a boy, and he has cat ears. He's a hybrid, a cat hybrid. "Isn't he cute?!" Louis' mom asks as she pulls the lock off the door of the cage, the door slowly creaking open as the boy creeps out, crawling on all fours. He's got an over sized white shirt on, grey sweat pants, his tail flicking back and forth and he's looking up at Louis with bright green eyes and his ears are poking out of the wild mess of curls and Louis really does think he's cute, but he's a cat, and cats are stupid, Louis knows, he's had one before. Louis fixes a glare at the pale boy and crouches down, his eyes almost level with the half-cat boy and opens his mouth to reply. "You, are not cute" and then he stands up and turns on his heel, up the stairs and back to his bedroom where he continues sketching.


The next day when Louis groggily pads out of his bedroom and into the kitchen it's 3pm and the house is silent, except for the soft, steady puffs of breath that can be heard from the living room. Louis opens the fridge and his eyes scan over everything I the fridge, his nose scrunching in distaste before he closes it again, he really needs to pick up some food.

Instead Louis exits the kitchen and enters the living room, watching for a few second as The Cat Boy - whose name he hasn't learned yet, if he even has one - stirs in his sleep before rolling over on the couch, his knees pulled up into his chest as he uses his hands as pillows under the side of his head.

Louis grabs the remote off the coffee table before sitting down on the couch above Cat Boys head, flicking the TV on and changing it to some random show before a small snore interrupts his program. Louis' face twists into one of annoyance as he glares at the stupid cat thing, sleeping without a care in the world and he shouldn't be as irritated as he is right now but cats just seem to irk him so instead of being a civil human being, Louis reaches behind Cat Boy and pushes, making him fall on the floor with a 'thud' as he quickly wakes and scrambles around on the floor to get into a sitting position.

"W-wah?" He asks a little dazed, "no animals on the couch" Louis said, voice bored as if it was a rule that he'd repeated many times before.

"'M n-not an a-animal, m Harry" Cat boy stutters, as is he isn't fully capable of proper speech, and Louis thinks he probably isn't. "Harry eh? Guess it fits" Louis says, flicking on of Harry's ears, earning a frustrated wine from the curly haired hybrid.

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