medicine baby take my medicine

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Louis rolled his head from side to side as he pushed himself away from his desk. Standing up and stretching his arms high above his head, he let out a groan that he was glad no one but Clifford could hear. He had been working for six hours straight on his final paper for his class. He already completed the accompanying final and now that his paper was completed, Louis was finally free to focus on his surprise for his boyfriend.

The plan, according to Harry, was that Louis was going to fly out to Phoenix, Arizona and spend the rest of the tour with Harry. It didn't take Louis long to conspire against Harry and change the plans. He worked with Harry's personal assistant to change the flights so Louis would meet Harry in Houston, Texas- a whole week earlier than Arizona.

"Yeah, yeah," Louis mumbled as Clifford whined and looked up at him which could only be described as pouting. Louis tried not to trip as Clifford walked between his feet as they walked down the stairs and to the front door. It was way past Clifford's afternoon walk and the black and white labradoodle made sure Louis knew it. Louis slid his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit a new one as Louis walked. Once they reached the field by the house, Louis unclipped Clifford to let him run free, and he checked his phone for any texts from Harry. As expected there were a few and each one, no matter how mundane they were made Louis smile and wish he was with Harry. Louis replied to each text (I'm sorry you spilled coffee down your shirt, love and I did not know Indiana's state bird was the cardinal. thanks for that bit of info.)

Due to Louis' insistence on finishing his paper early, he hadn't had much time to think about the details of the surprise for Houston. He ordered half of his outfit online and tonight was the first free night he had to try it all on. He couldn't stop his mind from wandering to what he hoped the end result would be: sex backstage at Harry's concert. From the moment the couple met a year ago, they have always had undeniable chemistry, especially sexual chemistry. Harry being on tour is the longest they haven't had physical sex, and Louis is beginning to lose his mind; phone sex or Skype sex just isn't cutting it anymore. Which is how the plan and outfit idea was formed.

Louis knew Harry had a thing for his stomach. Louis wasn't quite sure why, it wasn't like he had abs. Harry has also made comments in the past about seeing Louis in underwear that wasn't his typical boxers or briefs. They both knew lingerie was more of Harry's deal, especially for everyday wear, but Harry was always hoping Louis would indulge too. However, Louis thought it was time to give Harry what he wanted.

Once they were home and Clifford was happily eating his dinner, Louis raced up to the bedroom to change into the new clothes. He was leaving for Houston in three days and he needed to know if the outfit was as sexy and alluring as he hoped it would be or he would have to scramble to find an alternative. He ripped open the bag with the shirt in it, not really caring how destructive he was being. When he opened the package with the thong, he took his time opening it and held the black thong in front of him. It was unlike anything he had ever worn before and knowing he would be wearing it for Harry, made his skin crawl with anticipation. Louis stripped naked and slid the black thong up his legs. It took some rearranging to make sure he was comfortable and his ass looked as good as he wanted it to. He could practically feel Harry's hands on him by the time he had it right. Next up was his favorite pair of jeans since Harry loved them on him too-- a pair of dark slim fitting jeans that he always rolled the ends up a few times. Then it was time for the highlighter and body glitter Lottie recommended. He applied it to his collarbone and above the waist of jeans before slipping a black crop top onto his body. Louis took a deep breath before looking in the full length mirror. Since it wasn't his normal attire, Louis felt strange in the outfit but he knew Harry would love it, and he wanted to do this for Harry.

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