i wanna see the way you move for me baby

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"ugh, harder h-harder"
"you like it huh"
"y-yes ugh you are so big, fill me u-up so good"

Louis and Zayn groan at the same time to the moaning that can be heard from the room two doors away from the living room. Niall met a guy from the club that he has been working down the street, saying that a good fuck is good for him after his 3 year boyfriend, Liam, left him. Both 

Zayn and Louis can't complain, they want their bestfriend to be happy, even though the noises from the said room is making them cringe to the core. They've been sharing a flat since Louis can remember. And all of them had their fair share of fucks and made those noises too so they can't really complain.

"zayn, can you please turn the volume up" Louis said as he tries to muffle the noises by putting a pillow on both of his ears. "you know I'm really happy, glad even that our mate has been constantly getting laid all the time but those noises is just, I don't think I can bare it anymore zaynie"

"you're just jealous lou, I think you need to get laid, how long has it been since you last got a good fuck?"

Maybe zayn is right, Louis thinks. He's been busy lately, work stuff and all. He wasn't able to join two of his best mate clubbing from the past two weeks.
"maybe you're right but only this time, I'm seconds away from joining those two" Louis hadn't gotten in weeks, he's a bit desperate.

"gross mate, you should go out and get some the night is young man"
"easy for you to say because you have your sugar daddy, always there to give you what you want" Louis imitates a moan saying 'daddy' Zayn laughs and says "fuck off, lou"

They stayed positioned in the couch watching a footie match, Niall and the guy he was with storm out of the bedroom and told Louis and zayn they'll head outside for a walk, both boys snickered.

Louis heard zayn's stomach grumbles they haven't eaten dinner yet, both of them are too lazy to get up and get food. Louis then stands up to get something for his also grumbling stomach but see nothing on the fridge well there's that. He came back to the living room and flop back on his spot.

"hey lou, please be a darling and buy me a kebab down the street it's a newly opened stall, you might want to try it" zayn said pulling a puppy face.
"why don't you go buy yourself" ha! Louis can resist that "the last time I remember I was the one who bought us food hmmm" zayn muttered back

Louis had no choice he can never ever win against zayn, he groaned and stand up from his comfortable position and flicks zayn the finger before grabbing his wallet and head outside. He didn't even bother make himself look presentable fuck them people he's having a lazy night.

Once he's outside he shivered from the cold wind that hit his skin, he snuggled up on his jacket trying to get some heat. While walking he looked across the street and noticed a long line of people on a stall, it's probably the new kebab stall zayn was talking about. He joined the long line of people and oh they're giving a cute cone-hat for their opening, nice.

Louis pulled his phone out to make himself occupied while waiting for his turn to make an order, time passed and he hadn't realize that he's on the front of the stall and that he's also the last customer.

He lift his head up from his phone and look at the- wow he's cute, baby-ish. Louis looked at the man, no he looked so young but not too young to be called a kid okay he's going to call him an angel. He's wearing a brown apron and a white shirt under that. He looks divine and innocent 

The breath was punched out of Louis' lungs when the angel in front of him smiles, all dimply, soft brown curly hair, oh fuck- those lips he wanted to taste those lips more than he wanted to taste the heavenly smelling kebab. When they finally made eye contact Louis almost faints those emerald its just so so green and beautiful and that word should be put in shame for not being able to describe those oh so green eyes.

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