it's our little secret

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last one for tonight besties, have fun and enjoy :p


Harry wore cute lingerie underwear to work and it was his little secret.

That's until his boss Louis saw Harry bend down to pick up the shattered pieces from a coffee mug one of his co-workers threw during a meeting,Harry didn't know Louis saw his underwear,but he doesn't regret him finding out.

One day,Harry wore one of his favorite pair of lingerie,the one that made him feel confident and beautiful,the pair that made him want to have a little photoshoot for himself,the one that made him feel so good about himself he saved some of the pictures in his secret file in his phone.

He hasn't worn actual 'boy' boxers or underwear in so many months,he was used to the lingerie touching his skin and the feel of it against his soft skin.

A few days after that day happened,Louis decided to see if what he saw on Harry,was what he thought he saw and god he hopes it was,because that boy drove him nuts,and the thought of him wearing lingerie might make Louis go even more crazy and start to scream his lungs out,so one day he puts Harry to a little test to find out if he was wearing those cute underwear.

Spill coffee on Harry's pants by accident and offer him boxers,it was evil,Louis knew but if he ruined the lingerie he would buy Harry 10 times more.

He called him into his office and asked Harry to make him a coffee and once Harry proceeded to give Louis the coffee,He somehow had to manage to spill it on his pants,and it honestly broke Louis' heart to think about ruining such cute lingerie on such a cute boy,but he was too shy to ask Harry if he wore them and he'd rather Harry tell him than him asking.Louis was gonna pay him back even if he admitted it or not.

Harry was mad,but not the mad that would make him want to go home and cry,good thing he wore his lingerie that he rarely wore and only wore when it was laundry day.

Louis had gave him some boxers and some pants,that were somehow his exact size and he knew for a fact these weren't Louis' because he has done his laundry before and he knows Louis was not this size...interesting

It had been a 2 days of Louis trying to figure out if Harry wore lingerie and Louis wasn't certain at all if it was true or not,he was careful not to do anything to extreme,he wasn't expecting anything out of it,he just wanted to see.

Harry knew what Louis was trying to by the 1st day,when he went home trying to connect the dots,he was going to play along with Louis and drive him insane.

Harry hadn't worn his stocking in so long,but this is the perfect time to wear them,someone to show off to.Someone to think he looked pretty in them was finally here.He loved the way the stockings felt against his skin and how they rubbed against his work pants and loved driving Louis crazy.

He made sure to cut a small hole into his pants where the pink would show to make Louis curious,He loves to tease people,it should be on his résumé as a hobby,when he walked into Louis's office to give him the paper faxes he got. He made sure to stand in front of Louis showing him the leg he had cut a hole in,he saw Louis furrow his brows and stop paying attention to what Harry was saying,the only thing that snapped Louis out of it was Harry's coughing and snap of fingers,but he didn't want Louis to stop looking.

Harry has been teasing Louis for a whole week,since his office is in front of Louis' office,with glass walls,Harry pulls out small fabrics of lingerie in the sight he knows Louis will definitely see,if only he could turn around and see Louis' reaction.He loved that right after he did that,Louis had to go to the restroom.Hm..Interesting.

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