stop the world (i wanna get off with you)

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It's only near the end of the second week of practice with the football team of Manchester university and Harry is hiding in the toilets with an awkward boner that just won't go away, like a fucking 15-year-old.

And he doesn't even dare to wank because he feels that if he allows his dark and sinister fantasies to take control he will definitely and 100% not make it through the entire goddamn season he's still got ahead of him. So like, he might kind of be really very much fucked.


It's just.... the captain of the footie team - Louis (Harry decidedly does not think about how sexy that name is. Nope.) - is so... so.... so fucking nice and funny and cute and attractive and hot, that apparently toppling over each other and landing chest to chest with their legs tangled on the grass is enough to make Harry's dick perk up in interest, leaving Harry himself no other option than to hide in the toilets for the rest of the practice session. He kind of feels like he's stuck in a bad American high school rom com. Such a cliché.

Harry sighs dramatically, sitting on a closed toilet lid, and accusingly stares at the bulge in his shorts, that just won't fucking go away. And now Harry is thinking about footie shorts and how thick and delicious Louis' bum and thighs look in them and that is absolutely not helpful in any way.

Through the locked door of the bathroom Harry can distinguish the animated chatter and laughter of his teammates. As it seems practice has ended and Harry feels quite pathetic for hiding in the toilets but he definitely can't go out there now, that the locker room is full of curious and judgmental boys his age.

So he waits.

When the chatter and laughter has finally died down, his hard on is finally gone as well. Harry unlocks the door and carefully peaks into the locker room.

It's empty. Thank God.

With a sigh of relief he makes his way to his locker, shucks off his clothes, grabs a towel and heads to the showers. Being lost in his overly dramatic thoughts about the predicament he's found himself in (how on earth is he going to survive this season if just a bit of slightly ambiguous physical contact with Louis turns him into a 15-year-old who gets embarrassing boners in public all the damn fucking time??), he doesn't hear the running water nor does he see the small but toned back he finds himself stumbling into.

"Ow! What the....?", the owner of said back yelps. It only takes Harry a second to recognise that voice and figure out who it belongs to.

"Oh shit, I - I'm so sorry, I didn't notice someone was in here", he apologises profusely, feeling his face turn the shade of an overly ripe strawberry. "I.... kind of spaced out for a bit." His mind is currently running 100mph. He just ran into Louis. Naked Louis. And he, Harry, is naked as well. And they're wet as well because Louis is taking a shower. As you do.

Oh my God.

Feeling a wave of arousal rush through his body, Harry (totally coolly and subtly of course) holds his towel in front of his crotch. Louis still has his back turned towards Harry and it takes everything in him not to openly goggle at that bloody work of art some people call arse.
"It's, uh, fine.", Louis eventually replies, his voice sounding slightly strained. Tiny droplets of water are dripping out of his hair and running down his toned back and Harry kind of wants to lick them all away. Get a grip, Styles, for fuck's sake.

"Okay, um, then I'm just gonna - ", Harry stutters awkwardly, suddenly remembering why he even came here in the first place and pointing towards a shower head a few metres away from Louis. He puts his towel on a hook next to the door and turns on the water. He really tries not to glance at Louis, he really does, but he can't help but notice him turning his body, so that, again, his back is angled in Harry's direction.

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