making a splash

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these next few along with the one before this are top harry so ;)



Louis turns his head away from the scenery whipping by as they drive to look at Harry, a concerned crease between his eyebrows and a slight frown. Harry only looks at him for a second longer before his gaze returns back to the road, one hand on the steering wheel.

"A little," Louis mumbles, bringing his knees together and hunching his shoulders as he shoves his hands together in his lap as if that would squash the nerves in the pit of his stomach.

Harry coos and reaches a hand over to squeeze his thigh, his thumb drawing reassuring circles over his white trousers. "We don't have to go," Harry says, peeking over at Louis and offering a small smile. "I can turn around and go back home."

The thought of going back home sends a loop through Louis' already anxious stomach. He knows how much Harry wants to go to the nude beach, evident from how he couldn't stop talking about it. Even this morning when he fucked Louis with just his fingers, he kept whispering how he couldn't wait to see Louis make a mess on the beach in front of people to see. The plug shifts inside him when Louis squirms, a reminder of the morning.

"No," Louis shakes his head, placing his hand over Harry's to play with the rings there. "Just a little nervous."

Harry strokes his thigh and hums. "We don't have to take our clothes off," Harry says. "We can just play in the water and sand like any other beach day."

"Because any other beach day is surrounded by nude people?"

A soft chuckle falls out of Harry's mouth as he squeezes his thigh again. "Just saying, baby. Not everyone will be nude either, you know. It's a nude beach, but they're not forcing you to be naked," Harry explains. He takes Louis' hand and raises it to his mouth, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of his palm. "Wouldn't do that to you."

Louis smiles and relaxes into his seat as The Beach Boys blare over the speakers and cool wind breezes through the open window, the smell of the ocean getting stronger as they near the beach. He's happy that Harry did pick a nude beach where being nude isn't a rule so if Louis got too nervous, they could easily have a beach day, except with nude people surrounding them.

They've fucked in every place he could imagine: a bathroom stall in a club, an alley behind a restaurant, a window in a hotel. It sends a surge of excitement through Louis of almost getting caught and people seeing him stuffed full of Harry's cock, getting fucked so hard he's nothing but a whimpering mess. It's different now that they're going to actually do it in public, make that conscious choice of having people see and watch what they do.

He wants to do it for Harry, though. He wants to be good and please him, do whatever Harry wants in front of all those other people. Louis shifts in his seat as he thinks about when Harry first suggested a nude beach, how he wants to see Louis be a good boy and gag for him while people watch. It gets him hot, the thought of people watching him as Harry shamelessly fucks him under the sun. Getting messy and being jostled around by Harry pounding into him in front of an audience has heat coiling in the pit of his stomach despite his initial nerves.

He gets broken out of his thoughts when a hand snakes up his thigh to palm his small cock. Louis jolts in his seat from the touch and scowls at Harry, who only laughs with a smug smile.

"Daddy," Louis pulls his hand away from his lap even though all he wants is to rut up against it.

Harry just laughs again, resting his hand dangerously high, his pinky grazing the crease of his thigh. Louis just rests his head on the side, closing his eyes and letting the breeze cool down his heated, flushed face.
Once Harry parks the car, Louis jumps out and stretches his body, his crop top riding high as he raises his arms over his head. The July sun feels amazing on his bare skin, blanketing him in warmth. There are others unloading their cars still clothed, but when Louis glances toward the beach, he can make out the naked bodies scattered throughout.

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