lying down (thinking bout you)

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On the first day of university, Harry was overjoyed to meet his new roommate. He was an English major, with the glasses and book collection to prove it.

Louis was not as excited. He hated the entire idea of school but went to make his Mum happy, and of course to play more football.

Naturally, Harry arrived on move-in day at the second it began, hauling in his bright suitcases, bubblegum pink fluffy bedding, and some novels his courses required him to ready for this term. His side of the room was mostly set up when Louis arrived. The room smelt of vanilla from the candles he had burning, his record player playing The Beatles, his posters and fairy lights perfectly aligned, and his bed pristinely made. He smiled widely as Louis walked into their room, butterflies filling the space between his ribs and organs.

He introduced himself to Louis, who unpacked his belongings, hung one poster of Christiano Ronaldo, and left shortly after for a footie party his friend was hosting.

He couldn't believe it. Louis was hot. He was a god, even.

Harry, being the horny teenager he is, spilled over his hand twice that night thinking about his new roommate. But, that was nobody's business.


Louis and Harry quickly became friends. Harry never said more than a few sentences in contrast to his roommate who could talk for hours, but he truly didn't mind. Their schedules were quite different, but they always managed to tell each other briefly about their day, and watch a game of football together (which Harry pretended to like, only to watch Louis get excited and explain the game to him).

Harry's crush had grown throughout the semester, gushing secretly whenever Louis would walk around topless. Harry couldn't believe how fit Louis was. He loved watching Louis' back muscles and biceps move around as he did things (little did Harry know, Louis did this on purpose).

He thought Louis was oblivious to his antics until one day Louis spat out "I can feel your eyes on my back, lad", and Harry instantly flushed and crumpled into a stuttering mess. Louis chuckled, shooting a wink before going into the bathroom to shower.


Harry was a tad shy, but increasingly kept being even quieter around Louis in embarrassment--since, you know, he was pining over his roommate. But at the same time, Louis' desire for Harry grew. He of course wanted to kiss him, hug him, learn everything he could about the boy. But mostly, he dreamt of destroying him. Making a mess of him. Breaking him until the only thing Harry could do was scream his name. But the boy was too innocent, and Louis didn't want to ruin that.

That was, until, the stress of midterms had crept up on Harry.

Louis came home after class to a stressed Harry on his third cup of coffee hunched over his desk covered in papers, books, and sticky notes. He walked over to the boy who looked up at him, tears threatening to spill from his glassy, emerald-green eyes.

"Harry, lad, no tears. Come on, up on the bed. Let me massage your shoulders and back a bit before I leave for practice, yeah? Relieve the stress?" Louis asks, cocking his head, searching for his eyes again.

Harry nods, beginning to stand up when Louis picks him up over his shoulder, causing Harry to giggle. He gently places him on his bed face down, tugging at his shirt to signal Harry to take it off. He does, his entire body filled with goosebumps and butterflies.

Louis starts at the nape of his neck, causing Harry to sigh in relief. Louis's hands felt like electricity. His strong fingers worked up and down his neck until he moved down to the space between his neck and shoulders.

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