someday you're going to realize (i want you)

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Harry knew from a young age that he was born to be someone special. Whether it was because of the way he always played with pretty things growing up, or the way he would sing his heart out to Disney songs in the living room when he was six, unaware of his mother fondly recording him; he knew that he was special and he wasn't ashamed of it. Not one bit.

He had a supportive family that encouraged everything he did and always told him that he could be whatever he wanted to be as long as he set his mind to it. That was the reason why he could go to school with bright polish on his fingers and lipgloss on his plump lips some days and his favorite pairs of panties on every single day. It made him feel comfortable. He felt more like himself.

It wasn't just the panties and feminine accessories alone; he believed he had a pretty decent voice and would always be the one in the back of the class singing a bit loudly over the music playing in his ears when they were supposed to do silent, independent work. He did pretty well in school, but it wasn't what he pictured himself doing. He didn't dream of studying every single day and getting some boring, ordinary job. He wanted to perform in front of crowds and make people happy with his voice.

Maybe that was why he finally pushed himself to audition for the X Factor after his sixteenth birthday. He had been nervous beyond words and it clearly showed when he stood in line that morning outside, playing with his clean nails and gnawing at his chapped lips. He hadn't worn any of his pretty lip gloss or nail polish due to the pep talk Gemma had given him before they left.

"Harry, I clearly support everything you do. You know I do..." She'd said the night before as they were picking out exactly what he was going to wear. "But it would be a better idea if you just didn't do the whole...lip gloss and nail polish thing for your audition. You want them to focus only on your voice, Harry. That's what's going to get you through."

And yeah... It sort of hurt his feelings when she said that because it was basically her idea of telling him that he needed to push himself back in a closet to please a group of people he didn't even know, but he had taken her advice because deep down he felt like she was right. He wanted people to pay more attention to his voice. He wanted to be famous for that. Not as the boy who wore nail polish and lip gloss everywhere, though he didn't care either. That just shouldn't be the reason why people were that interested in him when it was clearly a singing competition.

Although he was pretty nervous, he couldn't help but to enjoy the atmosphere of the entire waiting area. Everyone wanted the same thing: their big break in the music world. People had their guitars and were singing popular songs as they all cheerfully waited their turns. It was all fun and games until Harry had the urge to pee and had to tell his mum and Gemma that he would be right back.

He slipped from the line and made his way towards the restrooms, a smile still big across his face as he walked inside. He bit his lip sharply when he remembered that he was wearing his panties today (Take away his polish and lipgloss, but he refused to get rid of the panties.) and the urinals would not be the best idea, not if some random guy came inside and saw him. He could only imagine a number of whispers throughout the line when he got back and how he would then be referred to as Panty Boy or something stupid like that.

He decided to take his chances and just go for it at the urinal anyway. It wasn't like anyone would just lean over, stare at his crotch, and see the lacy pastel pink trim underneath his cock when he pulled it out. As soon as he began to do his business, the door swung open and a soft gasp left Harry's lips as he tensed up, the pee never coming to a stop though. He kept his eyes trained on his urinal as the person came up and began to use the one right beside him and Harry couldn't help but to blush just a tiny bit. Obviously personal space wasn't much of a huge deal to this guy.

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