painless with immense distance

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"Got such a nice ass, Lou." Harry mumbles, pushing a slick finger into Louis's tight hole. The latter moans lightly, just at the satisfaction of being finally touched. It's been a week, Harry being away on a business trip and Louis finally got a chance to meet him in the middle since they were more than ten hours apart. Harry reserved a suite at the fanciest hotel in town and treated them to an expensive fancy dinner. Louis hasn't complained once.

"Missed it a lot." Harry continues, slowly pumping his finger. Louis laughs a bit, looking over his shoulder at Harry who's completely focused on what's in front of him. His brows are pulled together, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. It's like he's putting all of his energy into making this reunion right.

"Dunno Haz, I liked the way your dick looked on the webcam."

That earns Louis a cheeky slap to his left cheek. He lets out a small gasp, more surprised than anything and wiggles his bum just for show.

"Little menace." Harry mutters, a grin on his face nonetheless. Louis's already a bit loose from the buttplug that he put in before his flight so Harry slicks up middle finger and adds it to his index finger inside of Louis. He watches Louis react from the slight curve of his back to his clenching rim and his curling toes. Louis sighs, pushing back gently on Harry's fingers as a silent thank you. He can feel the cool metal of Harry's rings against his skin every time his fingers are all the way in, his base knuckles resting against his rim and it causes every inch of his skin to prick with chills. Louis's thighs are already shaking a bit, Harry's long fingers already pressed against his prostate, sending shockwaves through his body. It's bearable now; after all he's had a plug in for the past eight or so hours.

"I really did miss you, baby." Harry pipes up; like he's concerned that Louis doesn't know that.

"I love you too, you sap," Louis grins. Next time you can tell me when you're not two fingers deep in my ass." Harry chuckles a bit and twists his fingers, making Louis squirm underneath him. The TV is on behind them and they're both still quiet enough that they can hear whatever is playing. There's something so soothing about the peaceful quiet, like they were at home again. However, Louis is focusing less on that and more on his cock that's leaking precome on the sheet and his tummy. Really, he's been leaking ever since the flight here but he's learned how to deal with it ever since Harry admitted his fascination almost a year ago.

"Can you flip over for me?" Harry asks, pulling his fingers out despite Louis's protest. Reluctantly, Louis flips over, his warm tummy exposed to the cooler air. Harry is climbing off the bed, and stumbling to his bag to get god knows what and Louis just watches lovingly. He missed the giant goofball tripping over his own feet and the curls that go all over the place when he's not paying attention and of course, his cock hard in his Calvin Kleins. Louis turns to the TV to get some distraction from his own cock still leaking on his tummy now. It's some shitty reality show but he recognizes it as something Harry would turn on, as background noise at home and suddenly there's a twinge of pain in his heart. It's only been one week but god he misses Harry.

"So I was reading up on some stuff," Harry starts as he climbs back onto the bed, whatever he's got hidden behind his back. Louis snaps his head away from Louis and back to Harry.

"You know when we talked about kinks and stuff awhile back and you said you wanted to try something?" Harry continues with a devious grin. Louis's a bit lost and he tries to think about exactly what Harry is thinking about which honestly could be a handful of things.

"Prostate massage?" Harry asks like it's as common as the sky is blue. Louis is shocked to say the least. He remembers seeing it in porn one time and brought it up while talking to Harry. He didn't think that they'd actually do anything like that but here Harry is, showing off the new toy he's been hiding behind his back with a smile like no other. He isn't going to say no.

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