touch me (you're my fantasy)

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Louis slid his arms around Harry's slim waist, pulling their bodies flush together as he wraps his arms tightly around him. Harry buries his face in Louis' neck, pout on his lips clear as ever.

"But I don't want you to go," Harry says, voice muffled.

"I know, baby, I know," Louis says soothingly. "But I have to go for work or else I'd never leave you here. You know that."

"But I hate being alone, Lou, you know that." Harry grips onto Louis' suit jacket and sniffs. He won't cry, he refuses.

Louis sighs. "It'll be alright, love. I'll only be gone for two days. I'd bring you if I could."

Harry raises his head to look at Louis' face. His blue eyes are watching Harry closely, searching his face for any tears of distress. He's always been so caring and loving towards Harry. "But...why can't you? I'll be good, you know I would be. I'm always good. I wouldn't get in your way or anything! I--"

"Baby, listen. I'll just be in meetings all day and I absolutely do not want to leave you alone in a hotel room all day long. And I wouldn't want you out in a strange city wandering around by yourself. So, I would feel much more comfortable with you staying here in our home, safe and sound. Can you please do that just for me?" Louis looks at him with all the love in the world, but with just a hint of authority to his voice, and Harry loves it when he sounds like that. It makes it harder to deny Louis what he wants of Harry.

"Yes, I can. I'll stay here. But I'll miss you so much." Harry met Louis' eyes and Louis places his warm hand on the back of Harry's neck, pulling his face closer to his. He presses their lips together gently before slipping his tongue inside Harry's waiting mouth.

Harry whimpers, and god, Louis loves that sound. He clutches Louis to him tighter, sinking into the kiss, immersing himself completely in everything Louis was willing to give him.

With a groan, Louis pulls back, licking his lips. "I'm gonna miss you so fucking much."

Harry's red, plump lips stay parted, soft breaths fanning across Louis' mouth. He keeps his eyes closed and leans forward to nip at Louis' bottom lip. "Mhmm. You can handle it. Can't you? Or are you going to go mad without being able to fuck me into the mattress like you do every night?" Harry pants against Louis' mouth, hot breath mingling with his. "Huh, Lou? Can you make it without being able to touch me for so long? Are you going to imagine me sitting on your cock and riding you the way you like while you lie in your hotel bed and jerk off--"

Louis groans, snapping out of his lusty haze. "Baby don't, oh dear God, please don't do this to me right now, please, I-I gotta get going or I'll be late."

Harry pouts again, pushing his hard cock into Louis' hip. "I'm gonna have to take care of this all by myself. No fun."

Louis shivers. "Just...think of me, like you always do, love. But I'll be back as soon as I can be. Promise me you'll stay here and stay safe."

"I promise, Lou." He kisses Louis' chin, marveling in the way his scruff scratches his own smooth skin and it leaves him tingling.

"Good baby. Now, Lisa will be over in the morning to clean so don't, you know, surprise her by being naked again. I don't like it when anyone besides me sees your body. Okay, baby?"

Harry nods again.

"Okay. I gotta get on the plane now. I'll call you as soon as I land."

They exchange more hugs and kisses and Louis nearly has to pry Harry's hands off him before he can move an inch, but he wouldn't change a thing about how clingy Harry can be.

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