if they find out, will it all go wrong? - 2/4

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part two of the "come on, bring everything"  series


Madison Square Garden // 2012 // daddy kink & slight feminization

Standing inside the arena is much different than what the boys imagined. It's bigger than theaters they've become so used to, so comfortable with. There will be no couch on this stage, nor will they be confined to running across only a few square feet. There's a catwalk.

It's breathtaking really, Louis thinks. Niall has run ahead to take pictures to send to his family while Zayn and Liam are mucking around with the band while the cameras eat it up. (That's different, too. The ever-present camera crew that captures their every move. It's a bit unsettling, but Ben keeps insisting that they need to think about the 'final product.') Harry, naturally, is never more than a brush of the hand away. He sidles in close to Louis once he's sure that the cameras are distracted and laces their hands together.

"Hey baby." Louis hip-checks his boy. "Excited?"

Harry hums distractedly as Louis continues.

"The stage is bloody giant, innit? I can't even imagine how hard it'll be to stop Niall from accidentally running off the catwalk. Liam joked about crowd surfing earlier, not quite sure how we're going to discourage him from that, but I suppose we could –" Louis is cut off as Harry tugs on the hem of his shirt and murmurs a quiet but equally urgent "daddy."

For the first time since he started talking, Louis takes a minute to turn and really look at Harry. What he sees makes him gasp out a soft "shit" before he's quickly moving into action, tugging Harry along with him as he hurries down and off the stage and towards where he assumes the dressing rooms are.

Harry looks terrified, is the thing. Louis' shocked he didn't notice earlier the slight tremble of Harry's hand where it's held tightly in his. And, well. Louis isn't unfamiliar with what's happening here. He just assumed Harry had grown out of this after they'd settled into the easy routine of the Up All Night tour, along with his frequent asthma attacks.

But here they are. Harry's scared. Scared out of his mind, as it seems. Logically, it makes sense. It's a bigger venue. The world's most famous arena, to be politically correct. There will be considerably more people coming to watch them and they're playing some new songs. It's been a constant stream of go, go, go since they stepped off the plane and there's barely been time to sleep before they're being dragged to the next interview.

The issue is that Louis knows how hard it is to break Harry from this state. He needs constant care and love and reassurance until he can catch up to the rest of the boys. Of course, Louis has always been the one who's been best able to provide that, but the fact that they're due to rehearse the set list in twenty minutes doesn't make things easier.

"C'mere." Louis leads them to an empty room and pulls Harry inside before shutting the door firmly behind him. It's certainly not ideal, but Louis knows from experience that he has to try and stave off Harry's nerves before he actually gets sick with it and hurts his throat. The other boys and Paul know that Harry gets like this sometimes, of course they do, but they're rather oblivious to how Louis gets him to snap out of it. He hopes none of them come looking for them before they're due back.

Now, Louis sits down on the small loveseat in the far corner of the room and pulls Harry onto his lap, tucking and prodding him until he's tiny with how tight he's curled up against his daddy's chest. It's hard to do this now that Harry's grown taller than him and started to work out, but Harry's pliant and tries his best to compress himself into the boy who was once smaller than Louis.

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