just close your eyes and dream about it

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The first time Louis Tomlinson meets Harry Styles they are at a study group organised by a mutual friend in the general University library. Louis' goes because he genuinely needs to steal Niall's notes, Harry claims he went because he needed new friends. Through the hushed discussions of exam pressures and deadlines Louis notices a few particular things about the boy his friends had spoken so highly of. He is shy and wears a pale green colour painted onto his fingertips, and he is also stunningly beautiful. The latter being the most striking and attention grabbing. Niall didn't tell him he was so pretty.

Louis doesn't speak much to him other than allowing him to use a few sticky notes, Harry picks the pink ones over the yellow and tacks them onto pages of his paperback. Louis guesses he studies English Literature. He spends half an hour wondering about it. He figures to ask Niall later. But, that never comes.

Harry and his green owlish eyes, big hands and with a copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tucked under his elbow bump into Louis' side as they rush to the exit doors and into the autumn air. "Wait, Louis-" Harry says, his gentle hand brushing against Louis' denim jacket. He didn't speak more than three words to him the whole day. He wondered if he even knew his name, turns out he pays more attention that he gave him credit. Or maybe every time Louis thought he caught him looking he was correct.

"Yes?" Louis says, turning and blocking the doors. Other students rush past them in a hurry for classes and toward the same deadlines that plague them. Their little bubble not disrupted by them.

Harry's face seems pale, like every inch of his mind and body is telling him to bolt away. He clutches his book tighter. Louis' doesn't read much, he wonders if it is a good story and what Harry truly thinks of it. He wonders what secrets hide beneath him ready to be unlocked.

"Would you like to get lunch sometime?" Harry stutters out in a mumble. He has to tear his eyes away from the floor.

"I'd love to," Louis replies without missing a beat. "Can I have your number?" he adds.

Harry lights up with a grin and nods along.

Louis thought he would have to make up an excuse to ask Niall more about this lovely boy, examine his Facebook indepthly and find out where he hangs out around campus so they could accidentally bump into each other in a bathroom. But this works just as well. Harry prints his mobile number on the back of one of the pink sticky post-its Louis gave him and presses it into his palm.


Three months later Louis might just have the most wonderful relationship and boyfriend in the world. After their third date Harry had admitted, sitting on Louis' bed, that he had never had a proper relationship before. Louis had been relieved to admit neither had he, but he was very willing to try that adventure with him by his side. And he was very happy to call him his boyfriend after that. The new word sitting lovely against his tongue like sweet sticky honey.

"What did you order?" Harry asks when Louis sits down at the table he picked right in the corner by the window. He looks nice in the pale light, Louis thinks instantly.

He smirks as he sits, sliding next to him on the cushioned bench seat. "It's a surprise."

Harry giggles at that, his eyes crinkling and his cheeks glowing. When he stops, he waits for Louis to actually tell him the answer. But he isn't in luck. "Wait, are you actually being serious?"

Louis smiles as he nods. He knows Harry will not admit it, but he loves a surprise (and he will most definitely be thrilled by a slice of plum cake when it arrives). Harry playfully tries to punch his shoulder but Louis is quick and grabs his hand in his own, wrapping and intertwining their fingers in a loop.

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