loving the extreme

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When Harry wakes up at noon on his birthday, Louis' in the kitchen making pancakes. It's a once in a blue moon sight for sure, seeing Louis in the kitchen actually being productive and actually making something (and not burning it). Harry considers taking a picture for a brief moment before thinking it over. He'll have other birthdays.

More importantly than spotting the nice arsed Louis out of his natural habitat (anywhere but) and in the kitchen is spotting the nice arsed Louis in the kitchen in pants - and only pants - tight as his skin and properly showing off his nice arsedness. Today - today was clearly a good day.

Louis was flipping pancakes when Harry walked in (it was all theatrics, really; he'd made the pancakes earlier, now he was just heating them up) and wrapped his warm arms around Louis' even warmer waist. Louis cursed.

"Bloody hell," He said, trying desperately to save the pancake he lost sight of mid flip.

"Morn, Lou."

"Afternoon." Louis offered, sliding the proudly saved cake onto a plate and tossing up another.

"Smells good." Harry said, nuzzling his nose into the smaller man's neck. And, really, when Louis tried, Louis could cook. Simple things, sure, but he could cook no less.

"Made it just for you."

"Still my birthday, you know." Harry reminded him, as if either of them needed reminding.

"Oh, is that what today is?" Louis mocked, flipping a cake. "I'd have never known."

Harry pouted and mumbled a small 'shut up' against the skin of Louis neck, grazing it with his teeth.

"Missed you when I woke up." Harry pouted, chin resting on Louis' shoulder.

Louis sighed. "Sorry, baby."

"Wanna cum, Louis." Louis laughed a little at that, smile reaching his eyes.

"I know you do, baby." He cooed. "After breakfast. I promise."

But Harry shook his head, obviously not satisfied. "Wanna cum now." He redefined, pouting. "Want you to make me cum. Three times, for my birthday." Harry pleaded.

"Please." He added softly. "Rather eat you, anyway."

Louis sighed, checking that the stove was off and stirring the tea. "Well, we got the first one down this morning, yeah?" Harry shook his head and Louis' brows furrowed in confusion.

"No, Lou. Want you to make me cum three more times, all at once." He said, hand grazing over Louis' dick and pushing his hips back and pressing his own forward, shamelessly brandishing his half morning wood. "Please, Louis."

"Fuck, Harry. Yeah, alright, just - drink some water first, okay?" Louis said dropping the string in his hand and turning to look at Harry. Harry's grip loosened and he nodded ferociously with wide eyes. Louis smiled, leaning up on his tip toes to kiss him.

"Good. I'll get you a glass." Louis said. When he handed it over Harry gulped it down obediently with eyes on Louis, leaving not a drop left in the cup. Louis waited patiently until he was finished and filled it up again, knowing that if he was going to give Harry what he wanted, he'd definitely need some hydration.

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