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Harry is not even looking for porn when the video opens. He's sitting on a rackety chair in the hallway next to the closed door of the unit opposite his through which he can hear the repetitive bassline of techno music played too loud for four in the afternoon. He'd move, but this is the only spot in the entire building where he's managed to find wifi and he doesn't mean to complain, but what he did find is a single bar and so slow it barely opens anything. Still, it's better than nothing and since his schedule was supposed to be up 15 minutes ago and the alternative to refreshing the page every time it loads is unpacking, here he stays.

He's going through his bookmarks, deleting everything he needed for applications or recipes he tried and didn't like, when he accidentally opens one of them. Naturally his laptop freezes the moment he notices the link is taking him to a porn website he hasn't visited in weeks. He watches in horror as the page loads, glancing both ways down the hallway, absolutely expecting someone to walk in on him now even though no one's even breathed anywhere near him in the last two hours. He breathes out in relief when he only gets the message that the video's been deleted and he's redirected to the homepage. He tries to close it, but his cursor stays unresponsive while dozens of thumbnails for various videos load.

It's kind of embarrassing how fast his body reacts. Normally, he doesn't have a problem keeping up with his libido; even when he was still stuck in Holmes Chapel he managed to have a pretty active sex life, helped greatly by his not seeing anything wrong with hook-ups and one-night-stands or even driving out and meeting people specifically for sex. Between the stress of A-levels and university application and the mini-roadtrip around Europe with Niall during the summer when there just never was any time or privacy however, he hasn't been properly laid in months. In fact, he hasn't even wanked in a while, too preoccupied with the move and the start of the school year. Still, the way his cock starts filling just looking at the grainy, frozen images of amateur porn even though he is literally sitting in the middle of a hallway anyone could walk through any minute has his cheeks colouring a bit.

He's still logged into his account from the last time he was browsing for porn so the videos he's being offered are all based on things he's watched and liked before. There's a bit of everything that's to his tastes, boys and girls both, in various combinations or alone, some vanilla and some kink, and everything that fits none of those categories, but it's one video in particular that catches his eye.

The thumbnail shows a boy in a snapback and nothing else, sitting on the bed with his legs crossed Indian-style and a hand wrapped around his cock. He's cute, dark tattoos littering his skin and just the slightest round swell to his belly, defined biceps and thick thighs, a light smattering of hair on his chest and thick curls at his groin. It's the way he's looking at the camera though that has Harry's cock twitching; his eyes are obscured by the snapback, but the cut of his cheekbones is sharp even in the low resolution, the scruff on his jaw looks just the perfect amount of scratchy to give beardburn without being uncomfortable and his lips are curled in a flirty smirk that makes Harry's insides swirl around pleasantly.

He's so focused on the boy's face that he doesn't even realise his laptop's functioning again. He looks up from the screen and both ways down the hallway. There's no one around and whoever is already moved into the unit he's sitting in front of cannot possibly hear anything over that music so there's really no harm in it if he clicks on the video. His own flat isn't that far away, even if he ends up having to hide an erection while retreating to it, it won't be that difficult. His flatmate is not supposed to arrive until tomorrow anyway, so if there was ever a time to watch porn outside of the privacy of his own room, it's now.

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