everything - 4/4

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Louis lets his tongue slip away off Harry's body, instead he pushes three fingers inside of him and his tongue moves to Harry's scrotum. He licks and sucks on it gently, admiring the lace panties closely.

„You are such a good slut," he purrs to his sub. „And your mouth, oh for fucks sake, I love your mouth, slut. I want you to gag on my dick again. Do you want that, slut? Should I take the gag away? Nod, if not, I'm looking at you."

Harry doesn't move. Louis knows he doesn't want the gag out, he'd say so otherwise. But Louis needs to dismiss the dumb five smacks rule. Harry finds it to be too much for a punishment.

„Do you want me to rim you again? Nod if yes."

Harry nods. Yes, good. Now Louis can fix what he has fucked up.

„Good slut. You know how much I love to rim you, don't you. Now, remember. If you thrust your hips, I slap your bum three times, just like the first time. Do you understand that? You jerk your hips, three smacks on your cheek. Nod if you understand."

Harry nods and somehow melts down to the sheets. Louis didn't even realize how tense Harry was. He kicks himself mentally and promises Harry the best and longest aftercare ever, even after he wakes up tomorrow. He kisses Harry's buttcheeks and strokes them lovingly, then he licks his hole and pushes in with his tongue. It takes seconds for Harry to jerk his hips again. Louis lands three smacks on his bum without saying a word, then immediately licks into his hole again. Harry is moaning through his throat like a slut and muffled by the gag, it sounds hotter to his dom somehow. Louis is finally relieved. He's fixed what he's fucked up. Harry lifts his legs and Louis swirls his tongue deeper. Harry jerks his hips again and Louis moans into Harry's hole. Harry seems to be happy like this, getting punished, and Louis doesn't hesitate to give him just that. He pulls his boy closer, lifts his legs and gives the reddish skin three more sharp smacks.

„I said no moving, slut. You are one dirty whore, aren't you. I think this was enough of a rimming for you. I'll shove four fingers into you. And if you are good, I'll rim you after that again. Now hold still," Louis commands.

He takes the bottle of lubricant he tossed away earlier and coats his fingers in it. He pushes one finger in, second and third without any troubles. Harry moans through the gag and Louis remembers - there is a camera. He brings it close to Harry's ass again.

„Look, taking three fingers like a pro... you are a good slut. Good boy you are for me," Louis says to his boy. „Fourth one is coming in, okay? If you need to, pull the ribbon and I'll stop."

Harry doesn't pull and Louis works his fourth finger inside of Harry's body. Harry groans and tightens his muscles around Louis' fingers in himself, but doesn't pull the ribbon at all. Louis is watching his boy, camera pointing to Harry's dick still trapped inside the lady panties. He's hard and leaking and Louis wants to lick him, but not now. He wants to try fisting. They have done it before and Harry looks like he can enjoy it today.

„Look at that," he whispers to himself. „Four fingers, just like that. I think you could take my hand in. What do you think, should I try, slut?"

Harry nods, albeit he isn't sure his lover can see him.

„Would you nod into the camera once again? Do you want me to fist you, slut?"

Harry nods again and Louis' erection pulses. He hasn't even touched himself yet, always thinking about his sub first.

„Good. We have the camera here filming your ass in a close up, but you don't know there is another one on the table, filming this entire scene for you to watch later, whenever you want, slut. Because I know you love to watch yourself when you are like this, all mine, tied up and gagged..."

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