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"Are you ready for this? 'Cause I don't think you're gonna be able to handle it." Harry rasped into the trembling boys ear.

Louis whimpered.

"You're gonna do a few things for me first. First, you're gonna beg. Beg for me to stop, beg for me to go harder, be for me to touch you, you're going to beg like your life depends on it. Then you're gonna scream. Scream my name. Scream it in pleasure, in fear, in ecstasy. Scream it so loud everyone in this hotel can hear. Hear what a slut you are. I want everyone to know my name by morning. Lastly I want you to be so desperate you'll be willing to do whatever I say. I want you to be a quivering mess of nothing. I want you to want me all day and all night. You're going to remember who you belong to by the end of this. And you'll never forget. So are you ready for this?"

Louis licked his lips, eyes squeezed shut, nodding his head. His jeans were getting a bit uncomfortable from how tight they were around his groin.

"Talk Louis. Let me hear how fucked your voice is already. I know how worked up you can get. Let me hear you."

"I-I i'm read-dy f-for this, H-harry." Louis stuttered out.

"Mm." Harry said nosing at Louis' neck. He bit down on the golden skin, making Louis throw his head back, mouth opening in a silent scream. Harry sucked on the skin pulling back to lick over the forming bruise. "Pretty." He breathed out. He cornered Louis back into the door, arms on either side of his head. He took in the scene in front of him. Louis looked so small, so desperate. "Undress yourself." Harry barked not moving from his position.

Louis nodded and struggled to take his clothes off in such tight confinements.

"Slower, baby. I want a show."

Louis slowed his hands, carefully undoing his jeans-his shirt having been tossed aside already. He slowly slip his pants down his thighs, Harry's hands came to Louis' stopping him from moving his pants down any further.

"H-harry. W-what are you doing?" Louis asked looking down at their hands.

"Just wanted to touch." Harry said, rubbing his hands up Louis' thighs, to his sides and over his chest, tweaking his nipples, and then back down to Louis' hands. He rested his hands on Louis' hips, "Continue." Harry said biting Louis' earlobe.

Louis struggled but eventually got his pants off, standing naked in front of Harry, back pressed to door, front pressed into Harry.

"Now, tell me what you want." Harry said licking up Louis' neck.

Louis whimpered.

"C'mon Lou. Say it. Say what you want baby."

"I-I want you to fuck me."

Harry laughed deep in his throat, nipping at Louis' jawline. "Yeah? Want my cock baby?"


"What else?"

"I want you to ruin me, make me feel it." Louis breathed out.

Harry chuckled. "Get on the bed. All fours." he said patting Louis' butt as he walked past him.

Louis made his way to the bed, propping himself up on his hands and knees. He waited, not so patiently, for Harry to join him.

"Harry." Louis whined after a few minutes passed.

"What is it baby?" Harry asked running hand down Louis' back.

"Please do something."

"Like what?" Harry taunted.

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