well i know that there's a limit to everything - 3/4

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part three of the "come on, bring everything" series


Harry's 19th birthday // 2013 // spanking

"Louis, you're being ridiculous."

"Why is it ridiculous that I want to spend time with my boyfriend on his birthday, Harry?"

"It's ridiculous because you're acting as if I'm ridiculous for wanting to have an actual party! I'm 19 and I want to celebrate!" Harry throws his arms up in the air and shakes his head in disbelief.

He loves Louis, has loved him forever, but his ability to blow simple things out of proportion never fails to get on his nerves.

It's late afternoon on Harry's 19th birthday, and management was very clear that they did not want Louis and Harry publicly celebrating together. Nick's been planning him a big party for a month and Harry knows he's sure to have invited his cool friends – who've been slowly becoming Harry's own cool friends – and it all sounds so nice. The only issue is the one that Harry is arguing about now; Louis would rather Harry stay in with him than go to the party.

"Listen," Harry sighs. "I know it's hard; I'm angry about it, too. If we were living any other life no one would fucking care if we stepped outside and held hands and kissed over the dinner table. But that's not how it is. We've spent all day together inside and I'm only asking to go out for a few hours with my friends on my birthday, Lou. I love you, and things aren't ideal, but we just have to work with what we've been given."

To emphasize his point, Harry walks over to where Louis is sitting, tense and agitated, on the sofa. He crawls into his lap and gives his neck a small nip and a loving kiss right under his pulse point.

Within a minute, Harry feels Louis relax under his touch and wrap his arms around Harry's broad frame. He runs his hand from the nape of Harry's neck down to the soft love handle that sits on his hip.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know I'm overreacting about something that won't even matter in the long run. You know I'm more frustrated with them than with you." Harry hears it in Louis' voice, the sharp edge to his words that colors his tone whenever he talks about management.

"I know." Harry kisses his cheek and nuzzles their noses together. "And I promise that we'll spend tomorrow night together and you can have me any way you like."

Harry smirks when he feels Louis shiver because of his suggestive words. "I'll hold you to that," he says lowly, and Harry giggles breathlessly at the idea.

"Don't I know it."


It's late when Harry manages to stumble his way back into their flat. He's drunk off his arse and can't find the light switch so he uses his hands to feel his way through the kitchen and past the living room to the bedroom where he can see the light on underneath the door frame.

Quietly, as quiet as a drunk person can be, Harry eases open the door and prays that Louis fell asleep and forgot to turn the lights off.


Shit. No such luck.

"Louuuuuis, love. Boobear. Daddy." Harry barely holds in his nervous laughter.

"Have a good time?" Though his words sound just a tad angry, all Harry notices is that Louis looks quite cute with his feathered fringe and reading glasses. He's wearing Harry's sweats and a thin cotton t-shirt, lying on top of the bed with a blanket draped haphazardly over his feet.

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