switch out the batteries

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so here's part two of the 'sex shop fic' and the next two parts sort of go hand in hand with this one. enjoy!


Louis barely gets out a "How was tour—" before Harry drops to his knees. Okay, it's not entirely unexpected, what with Harry pulling him into the airport bathroom and stationing security on the other side of the door. He's the kind of famous that requires a security guard now, and if that weren't enough to get Louis hard, having Harry kneel casually and press his mouth into his crotch would have sufficed. Also the fact they haven't seen each other in a month, the longest they've been apart since they met two years ago.

"Was nice, lots of fun. Do you wanna talk about it or do you want your dick sucked?"

Louis wants both, to be honest, but his hand is already fluttering down Harry's tan face, pressing down on his full lips. Fuck, he missed him so fucking much. "Whatever you want."

Harry looks up at him with a smile, and unzips his jeans. "I wanna suck your dick. And hear your voice."

"Not like you haven't heard it, you know."

"Not the same," Harry huffs, tugging both his jeans and boxers down to his thighs. "I missed you a fucking lot."

Louis knocks off Harry's stupid hat and buries his hands in his hair. "You talking to me or my dick?"

Instead of clearing it up, Harry kisses the tip of his cock and starts swirling his tongue. Louis's hands tighten in his hair slightly and he sighs for a long moment. Right, his voice. "Well, I had a nice time too. Got a bit bored after, like, a day."

Harry nods for him to go on, but he keeps making it difficult by just licking along his cock like they've got all the time in the world. Or like Louis had any satisfying orgasms while Harry was away, and won't just come on his cheek if he keeps it up for longer than a minute. He figures now is as good a time as any to drop the bomb. "Started a workshop out of the backroom of The Craic. Good money."

"Yeah?" Harry asks, breathing wetly over his cockhead. "Like Zayn's design workshop?"

Louis grabs better hold of his hair, patience growing quite thin from hearing Harry's deep voice. "Not quite. It's a BDSM thing."

Harry actually pulls back and looks up with a frown. Right, okay, this is why Louis didn't tell him in the first place. He sort of had a niggling worry that Harry wouldn't like it, and if he'd been right and Harry had tried to talk him out of it, Louis would have had to remind him that he didn't veto Harry leaving him for a month to go to America, and then they would have fought over Skype and it would've been awful. So Louis just didn't bring it up at all. Harry probably doesn't see the logic in that right now. "You had someone else sub—"

"No, Jesus, I didn't do demonstrations, except with tools," Louis huffs, pleasantly surprised by Harry's immediate concern. "It's mostly talking, you know I'm good at that." He leads Harry's mouth back to his cock. A wave of satisfaction rolls over him, either from Harry's jealousy or Harry's lips finally wrapping around him. "I did show them pictures of you, though."

That gets Harry going. He sinks down the shaft and tightens his lips, makes Louis throw his head back and bang it on the wall. "Didn't think—yeah—didn't think you'd mind. The couples were very impressed with you. Wonder what would've happened if they'd recognised you, hmm? If I didn't just show them your back and arse after a good session. If a fan knew what you got up to with your 'brunette hottie'." It was the most flattering title he's gotten since Harry came out. Maybe one day they'll actually use his name. Harry's taking him deep now, and Louis hasn't let up on his hair, knows he's feeling the burn he likes in his scalp. "Just made me miss you more, though. Can't feel your mouth through Skype."

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