yes daddy

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Harry had already started a second movie, and when he looks at the time, it reads 9pm. It has been two hours, and it occurs to him Louis hasn't left the office once. He pauses it, and places Minnie at his feet - who makes a squeaking sound as she stretches - before getting up, bones cracking and muscles stiff. It was getting late, and he thought of going to get coffee before the shop closed, but decided against it. They could both deal with tea for now.

He pulls out two mugs, one with a cheesy couple's photo they took years ago, and one with a middle finger emoji. They were given as a housewarming gift by Niall. Harry reminds himself to shoot him a text tomorrow.

As he waits for water to boil he scrolls through social media, liking a few posts and laughing at cat videos his mum sends him. There's a few I miss you's and and a few I love you guys, and Harry sends her a short but sweet message, apologising for the lack of communication before turning his attention to the screeching kettle.

After he prepares the tea the way Louis likes it, a little bit of milk with no sugar, he carefully carries it upstairs, keeping his eyes on the hot liquid sloshing around. He knocks on the door gently, as to not startle Louis, and creaks the door open a bit. When he peeks in, he notices Louis, focused on his work, seemingly unaware of Harry's presence. Harry clears his throat, pushing into the room fully. "Lou?" he asks quietly, watching Louis save his work.

"What's up, love?" Louis replies, leaning back into his chair.

Harry hands him the tea, which he accepts graciously. "Thought you could use a cuppa. Why don't you stretch a bit? You look stiff," Harry offers.

Louis smiles, taking a sip of his tea. "Thank you, baby." He stands up and stretches, shirt riding up and exposing his belly. "Come give me a kiss. Just a quick one."

Harry loves it when Louis calls him baby, especially so if it's in a soft voice, and Louis knows it. Harry wraps his arms around Louis' neck, fingers playing with his soft hair. He leans down and captures Louis' lips in his own, noticing the way Louis presses back just a little bit harder. He closes his eyes and enjoys the feeling of Louis moving with him, gentle smacking sounds filling the quiet room.

Louis digs his fingers into Harry's hips, tongue softly poking out to meet Harry's bottom lip. Harry whines, high in his throat, fingers gripping the front of Louis' shirt, rocking his hips forwards. Louis pulls away, eyes flicking to Harry's lips, shiny and delicious, then to his eyes. The beautiful green is barely visible behind his blown pupils, and Louis shivers. "As much as I love kissing you, I really need to finish what I've got going, love. And I know I won't be able to stop if we continue. But thank you for the tea. I'll be out in a bit," he says reassuringly.

Harry shifts on his feet, jeans tight at the crotch as his erection strains against the zipper. "Fine, but you better not be too tired after, because I would really enjoy having sex with you tonight," he says bluntly.

Louis chuckles, shaking his head. "Go now. We will see about that later. I'm almost done, and I thought I said not to distract me."

Harry sighs, leaving Louis with one last kiss, closing the door behind him. When he's in the hallway, he presses a palm to his cock, leaning against the doorframe. He's not surprised he's in this state. They haven't had sex for a few days, and Louis looked so, so good with his glasses, dishevelled hair and cute smile. He groans, pushing himself off the frame and heads towards their bedroom. A shower would help, he's sure of it.

The shower in their ensuite is massive, meant for two people, and was equally as big as their tub. Harry definitely doesn't think about what they'd be doing if Louis had joined him. He strips and runs the water, leaving it on the cooler side. At first the temperature makes him flinch, but his body soon gets used to it, and it feels refreshing rather than startling.

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