all alone on christmas

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Louis pulled up to the large brick building and parked his car. He had been to this building countless times in the last year, but he had never seen it like this. The facade was completely dark.

Not knowing what to expect, he reached into his bag and grabbed his wallet and phone, stuffing them in the pocket of his joggers. Liam had told him to dress comfortably, so he had. But, it didn't look like Liam was here.

It didn't look like anyone was here.

Louis was a bit disappointed, and confused, if he was honest. Today was his birthday, and Christmas Eve, but more importantly his birthday. He was lonely, missing his boyfriend, and had wanted to wallow in his bitter loneliness. Liam had called him, insisting that Louis come help out, and he hadn't taken no for an answer.

When Louis had pressed him for details of what exactly he would be helping out with, Liam hadn't provided them, which had gotten Louis' imagination running, and his hopes up.

He thought maybe it was a surprise birthday party for him with all their friends, but then Liam had told him to dress comfortably, and Louis had seen all of their friends all over Snapchat and Instagram posting pictures with their families, so he had been disappointed all over again.

It reminded him of that stupid song Harry had been listening to for the past month. Early in December there had been a rerun of this Christmas special Harry had apparently watched last year before they started dating. The special was called "Diva's Holiday" and there had been performances by every famous diva they could find. Harry loved any kind of music and female empowerment so he had been entranced. At least that was how his sister Gemma told the story.

When this Christmas came around, out came the CD that had been recorded of the special. Harry played this one song over and over again called "All Alone on Christmas," that had featured three singers. Louis couldn't remember their names.

Louis hadn't been able to see Harry lately at all, and he was feeling the effects. They had known for at least two months that Harry would have to be in London tonight, but knowing hadn't made it any easier.

Louis was privately being properly melodramatic about it, but he hadn't wanted Harry to feel badly so he had held it in. He never thought he would be the kind of person to get weepy and forlorn because he couldn't be with his partner on Christmas, but here he was.

Harry's flat had a window in the kitchen that looked out over the little area where residents parked their cars, and more than once Louis had caught himself staring up at Harry, watching him dance around his kitchen while he made dinner.

Somehow during the past few weeks, each time Louis came over, by the time he made it up to the door of Harry's flat, that stupid "All Alone on Christmas" song was blasting out of Harry's speakers.

Louis smiled to himself and shook his head eyeing the front steps of the building. He missed Harry.

Liam calling Louis up and forcing him to go to Harry's place of work when he could be home with some hot chocolate and a Christmas movie was not helping.

He sighed and climbed the front steps. Reaching for the door handle, he found it locked. He sighed again and dug out his keys, picking out the one that would open the front door of Vitality Fitness.

Louis pushed the front door of the gym open. It was still pitch black inside.

"Liam?" He called out. No answer.

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