tear me apart (so you can put me back together)

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Louis swipes his hand through the come on Harry's stomach, getting a finger wet before trailing it down the length of Harry's cock, red and hot, still hard. Harry's hips jerk and he grips hard onto the sheets to keep from pushing Louis' hand away. "Don't think I can," he mumbles pathetically, nuzzling into the pillow he's resting his head on.

"You can," Louis says, like he just knows it. He shifts a bit, getting comfortable on Harry's legs. He presses the flat of his palm to Harry's cock, sliding it down to massage his balls.

"I don't know," Harry chokes, biting hard into his lip. "I think I--think I need a minute."

Louis hums softly, sliding his hand back up to press his palm against Harry's cock again. Harry makes a cut off noise in his throat and his face is red, all the way down to his chest, gleaming with a little bit of sweat. "You don't need a minute, right babe?" Louis says, using his other hand to press against Harry's sternum, slide over to tug on one of his nipples.

Harry shakes his head no because he wants to be good but he does need a minute, he's definitely not ready. Louis' hand on his cock is hot, stinging a little; he's so sensitive still, Louis hasn't even given his cock a chance to go down after he came, just went right back in to run his fingers over it. "Hurts," he manages to get out, trying so hard to stay still.

Louis just hums again and lifts himself off Harry's legs, pressing his hands between his knees to open them, spread them wide apart. Harry whimpers as Louis settles between them, looking down at him from under heavy eyelids. Louis gives him a wicked grin and shimmies down just a bit more so his mouth is level with Harry's balls. He leans in and presses his lips against Harry's skin, sucking lightly and flicking his eyes up to watch Harry's face.

Harry squirms and stares determinedly up at the ceiling, breathing heavily though his nose. Louis ups the ante, licking out over Harry's balls, sucking a little harder, hard enough for Harry's breath to hitch. He doesn't say anything else though so Louis gives up, licking up until he's at the base of Harry's cock, pressing a kiss there. He flicks his tongue out, licking gently up Harry's shaft until he's at the head, rubbing his hands over Harry's thighs.

They're trembling and his breathing is labored, holding onto the sheets and looking down at Louis with his lip caught between his teeth. "Louis," he says, and it sounds like a plea with his voice all deep and raspy, wrecked the way Louis loves it. Louis wants to know if he can make him hoarse, if he can make him cry.

Louis grins again, kissing below Harry's bellybutton before taking Harry's cock in his hand, squeezing. Harry bucks his hips and tries to get away but Louis keeps one hand pressed hard to his hip. "Stay still," he commands, giving Harry a look. "Be good."

"I'm trying," Harry whimpers, shutting his eyes tights. "Trying, but--so sensitive, Louis, so--"

"I know, sh," Louis soothes, stroking Harry slowly, leaning in. He licks under the head, gentle and sweet but pointing his tongue enough for Harry to really feel it. "I'm gonna take care of you."

"Lou," Harry squirms, making a hurt little sound when Louis flicks his tongue over the head in tight little circles, licking over the slit and pressing hard. "Lou, not--too much, too much--"

Louis skims his lips down Harry's length instead, licking little patterns over it, top to bottom a few times. He's impatient though, wants to see how quickly he can make Harry come again. He brings his mouth back up and presses a kiss to the head, holding Harry's hips down. He digs his fingernails in as a warning before wrapping his lips around it and sucking, hard. Harry cries out and his hips stutter but Louis can feel it under his hands, how hard he's trying to stay still, stay good. Louis bobs his head and Harry sobs, biting into the pillow. "Can't, can't, can't--" he chokes and Louis hums around him, making it the sound of it vibrate down Harry's cock. One of Harry's hands comes up to push Louis away but he wrenches it back down, twisting it in the sheets.

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