secret little rendezvous

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Louis ran as fast as he can, taking a glimpse at his watch "shit" he mumbled "already 15 mins late" he picked up his speed already knowing he'll get detention.

He made it to his class, while panting hard he opened the door and his eyes faced his boyfriend also known as his teacher Mr. Styles. "you're late again Mr. Tomlinson" Mr. Styles looks at him with a raised eyebrow as he crossed his arms. "look Mr. s I'm sorry okay? I over slept" "for the hundredth time Mr. Tomlinson you may call me Mr. Styles only, and as for you being late detention during your lunch break" Mr. Styles informed him and went back to his lesson.

During the class louis couldn't keep his eyes off of Harry 's ass and kept imagining the many things he could do to them during his 'detention'. He could maybe finger him until he's crying under him, he could paint his ass with many love bites, he could eat him out, he could fuck him over and over again, or he could do them all. After all he's done it before.

Thinking about his boyfriend's ass during his class wasn't the best idea, as now his pants are getting tighter by the minute, he looked at his watch and thought to himself 'okay five more minutes, five more minutes until the bell rings and I could get him to suck me off'. So, he kept distracting himself with anything you could find.

The five minutes went by so slow he actually thought his pants ripped from how tight they felt "okay class don't forget your homework and remember to treat people with kindness" Mr. Styles dismissed his class. While everyone was leaving louis stayed behind hoping to god his boyfriend will agree to this.

"I need your help baby" louis said as soon as the last student went out "what's wrong Lou?" Harry thought that his boyfriend was in trouble of some sort "I need you to blow me" he said "really Lou? its not even 10 am and you're already hard?" Harry was somewhat shocked with the information he received "yeah but its not my fault my boyfriend's fat ass gets me horny, so can you please just suck me off"

"okay since you asked so nicely baby" louis let out a squeal and ran to lock the door in case someone comes in. louis then sits on Harry 's chair after he pulls his pants down "c'mon baby, look how hard I got for you" louis says as he strokes himself slowly making Harry lick his lips and sink to his knees in front of his younger boyfriend.

Harry then starts to kitty lick louis' hard cock, as he's doing this he reaches for the cock by his hands and starts to run his pointer finger up and down in a slow motion. "h-Harry stop teasing, you know how much I hate it" "whatever you say" Harry smirks and just as he did, he took louis' cock inside his mouth.

Trying to get as much of his cock inside his mouth without gagging, because louis once said 'good boys don't gag when they please their daddy' and he needs to be a good boy for his daddy so his daddy could give him a treat and not a punishment.

"oh, look at you, taking my cock to well-baby" louis says as he throws his head back in pleasure while trying so hard not to moan so loud. Harry looked up at louis while having the world's most innocent eyes "trying to act all innocent now are you baby? You can't be innocent when you have daddy's cock in you mouth" louis smirked.

Louis' hands kept squeezing Harry 's chair's armrest making his knuckles turn white. And as soon as Harry notices them he removes his hand from louis' cock, takes louis' hands, places them both on his curls, and squeezing as if he's signaling for him to pull his hair.

Louis got the memo and started to pull on Harry 's hair which made Harry moan against louis' cock sending vibrations all through louis' body. Louis quite liked that so he kept on pulling Harry 's curls which only made Harry moan louder. 'hair pulling, needs to be added to the kink list' louis though to himself.

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