you belong to me

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hey beauties, it's been a tough week for me last week but i'm back with many more. i hope you lot are doing well , enjoy!


"My Lord?" Louis's hands stilled as he gazed up into his masters face, his eyes innocently quizzical as the silk ties of Harry's doublet hung from his fingers. The older man was gazing down at him with a small frown tugging at his brow, his body tenser than usual. Louis stopped from undoing the doublet, in case for some reason Harry didn't want him to, despite Louis being the one to dress and undress him every day for the past year.

"Don't stop." Harry said in a low tone, his voice almost menacing. Louis looked at him in silent surprise, hesitating for another second before he bowed his head obediently and continued to tug the silk ties of the doublet free of their eyelets. He could feel Harry watching him intently but he tried to ignore it, his head growing hot and achy with anxiousness.

"I was out today, visiting some of the common people." Harry's voice was soft when he spoke, but Louis could hear an underlying tone of venom. He peeked up at his master with frightened eyes, uncertain what he was getting at.

"I... I know my Lord." He said quietly. He had dressed Harry that morning, like he did every morning, and had been told about the day's agenda to ensure Harry was dressed appropriately. Was this about the clothes? Had he picked an outfit that just didn't work? He'd never had that problem before, but then Harry had never looked at him like this before.

Harry didn't say anything more for a moment, only continued to watch as Louis delicately unpicked the silk ties down to the buttons of the doublet. Louis kept silent as he slowly unbuttoned the silver disks and then pushed the doublet open. Harry rolled his shoulders back so that Louis could slide the garment down his arms and then walk across the room to hang it up. Beneath the doublet Harry was wearing an undershirt of a fabric so light and so thin the darker shades of his nipples could be seen beneath it. He quirked an eyebrow when he caught Louis glance at them as he walked back but neither man said anything.

"You go into the town a lot, don't you Louis?" Harry spoke again as Louis was kneeling down to undo the belts around Harry's waist. The younger man didn't speak for a moment, only quietly laid down the sword, two daggers and flintlock pistol that had been attached to the belt on the floor.

"Yes, my Lord." He finally replied, even more confused by this unexpected turn to what was starting to feel like an inquisition. Harry sounded suspicious about something, but Louis couldn't imagine what he had done wrong to make the nobleman angry at him.

"Mmm... It seems the commoners know you well. You've developed a reputation." Harry's voice was soft, almost seductive but Louis still tensed. His hands were raised, just about to undo the coarser ties of the nobleman's hose now the belts and codpiece had been laid aside.

"I... A reputation, my Lord?" He asked uncertainly, lifting his head to look at Harry. The older man was looking down at him intently and Louis felt a small tingle down his spine. Harry was a very attractive man; Louis tried hard not to think it, but he couldn't help himself.

"Mhmm... It seems you're popular. Many of the people I talked to knew who you were, and asked me about you." Harry said softly, his eyes boring into Louis's. The younger man was still holding the ties for his hose, but he seemed to have forgotten he was supposed to be undressing the nobleman.

"And... About my reputation?" Louis asked softly, a fluttering of nervousness starting in his belly. He went into the town often, he enjoyed talking to the common folk and drinking in the taverns. He was of noble birth himself, though Harry's family was much further up the hierarchy than his own hence why he was Harry's page. It was a job that he had taken just as a temporary position but as time went by and he gained Harry's trust he had become like Harry's own personal servant, doing all kinds of jobs. Louis didn't mind though, he enjoyed it, which is why he had stayed.

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