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y'all this one is definitely a bit kinkier than the other ones, enjoy :))


"Lou, please—"

"Say it baby, let me hear you," Louis encourages his boyfriend, rocking into him at a harder pace, nails digging into Harry's sides—sure to make a mark.

They're laying on their sides, the mattress soft and comfortable beneath them. Louis' spooning Harry from behind, their legs entangled as Louis rocks into the heat of Harry's tight hole at a slow pace.

Harry mutters something under his breath, his face covered by his beautiful brown curls. His cheeks are a lovely shade of pink— is he blushing? Harry's pushing back onto Louis' cock, writhing and whining, begging for it and yet he's blushing at whatever he just mumbled.

"Louder kitten, Daddy didn't quite catch that,"

"Mhng, Daddy— I-I,"

They're engulfed by each other, the soft golden morning light coming in through the curtains. Everything about the moment is intimate, and Louis' come to appreciate early mornings because of Harry's need to be fucked first thing when they wake up on most days, sometimes waking Louis up with his lips wrapped around Louis' dick, slowly swallowing up his entire length and making Louis come while he's still half asleep.

Harry's covered in a sheen of sweat and Louis isn't much better off, running his hand through Harry's curls hanging over his forehead, littering kisses along the back of his boyfriend's neck as encouragement.

"I— please," Harry whines, soft and unsure. "P-Please fill me up Daddy,"

Well, that's new. Louis can't say he doesn't like it though. Fuck, the thought of filling Harry up with his come, watching it dribble out after. Louis has never been more turned on and in love with his beautiful boy.

"You want me to come inside you, baby?" Louis fastens his pace, grabbing a hold of Harry's leg so he can thrust into him harder.

"Want Daddy to fill you up and eat you out after?" He whispers, leaving a sloppy kiss right behind Harry's ear, knowing it drives him insane.

Harry's so close, pushing back onto Louis' cock while simultaneously trying to rub his own against the sheets for any friction he can get, precome leaking out of his slit. Louis expects him to nod vigorously, knowing how much he loves to be eaten out as prep but instead Harry hides his face in the pillow.

He's a little surprised, but he'll ask Harry about it later. What's more important now is making his boy come.

"Fuck, kitten, you're so tight," Louis moans, picking up the pace now, slamming into Harry with all he can, making sure he's hitting his prostate every time.

Harry's moaning these soft little ahh's that drive Louis wild, almost getting to his release. "You're such a good boy, fuck—" Louis groans, he's so close. "You can come baby, Daddy's gonna fill you up,"

That does it for Harry, his movements stuttering as he gets his release, coming all over their recently washed sheets. "Lou, Lou—Daddy," He begs, tightening up around Louis, needing to be filled, begging for it.

"Fuck, baby, you're so good, ah—" Louis cries out and comes not even a minute after his boyfriend, thick ropes of come filling Harry's tight hole.

He starts to pull out once he's softened but Harry grabs his arm to stop him, shaking his head, hiding behind his curls. "Wanna feel full," He mumbles and Louis leans in to kiss Harry on his temple, "Okay baby, I'm here." Louis whispers and stays inside Harry, running his fingers through his hair and presses soft kisses from his temple to his shoulder.

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