hold the night for ransom

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hey lovelies i'm back with like 14 new chapters so have fun, hope y'all had a good week mine was definitely much better so :) enjoy!


One step into the apartment building. The pungent smell of fear hits Harry and he almost staggers back. His heart quickens and he takes the stairs two steps at a time, as if racing against the speed of his rapidly beating heart. What the fuck happened? His mind screams as he clutches the bag of groceries in his hands, not caring that he had bought eggs. He has one priority: get to Louis.

He bursts through the door, flinging the bag of groceries onto the nearest flat surface and not even bother taking off his boots, he dashes to the living room where the source of the smell of fear is crashing like waves over Harry's alpha senses. An omega is in distress. Not just any omega, Louis, is afraid. He bursts into the living room, his coat whipping around him, his curls wild and plastered to his forehead by his sweat.

Louis' ocean blues swivels from the TV screen to Harry. He is sitting cross legged on the hard wooden floor, his back pressed against the sofa with a layer of thick blanket wrapped around him so that only his head is exposed. Louis trembles as the screams from the TV fills the silence between them. Out of Harry's peripherals, he could see that it was a horror movie playing.

"Lou?" He asks thickly, although he visibly sags in relief. But then the anger comes out of nowhere, filling his guts and licking like a flame up his body.

"What are you doing?" He chooses, instead, to calmly say.

Louis turns his eyes back on the screen and flinches, burrowing his head into the blanket and peek at the screen through his half shut eyes. Harry could see teardrops clinging onto his eyelashes.

"Lou." He says, firmly this time because Louis is a little shit and chooses to ignore Harry's attempts at lecturing him.

"Just watching a film." Comes the soft response. Harry signs, toeing off his boots at the doorway and approaches the sofa. He reaches out to grab the remote from the coffee table.

"Don't!" Louis says, tiny hand shooting out, seconds too late, trying to snatch the remote back. Harry pulls it out of Louis' reach, hitting the mute button but lets the movie continue to play out its rather gory scene. Louis stares defiantly back at Harry.

"Why do you always do this to yourself?" Harry asks and knows it's not the first time he has asked the question.

"Because I wanted to watch a scary movie." Louis snaps, tilting his chin a little. He is soft like this. Soft and sharp. He holds himself unlike any omega, with an air of defiance and challenge.

"I could smell you from downstairs." Harry says slowly and watches as Louis unfolds his legs and stretching them, wriggling his toes.


"So, don't. Don't watch horror films alone, Lou. You..." Harry searches for words. "You don't have to prove a point." He says finally, running a frustrated hand through his fair.

Louis huffs. "What point am I trying to prove?"

"That you don't need me to comfort you." Harry says simply and he could feel the tension thrumming through the air.

"I don't need you to comfort me. I was doing well before you came back." Louis says but his voice has lost its sharp edge, replaced with a soft grumble.

"You need me all the time." Harry corrects him and watches as Louis refuses to meet his gaze and instead, retreats his head into the blanket cocoon so now Harry is looking like he is conversing with a makeshift blanket tent.

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