champagne nights

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Louis is sitting on the sofa of their flat, tracing his fingers through the condensation of his whiskey glass, gazing out the front window at the lights that make up L.A, waiting.

He'd sent Harry to their bedroom as soon as they'd gotten home, pleasantly tipsy from good alcohol and good company after a dinner with the boys, and told him to put on the gift waiting for him on the bed.

Louis knew what the gift was, had pulled it out before they had left for dinner to run his fingers over it. That didn't stop the low curl of anticipation in his stomach at the idea of finally getting to see how it looked on Harry.

Not that he had to wait long, Louis thought as the soft sound of Harry's feet drew closer from the hall.

"Daddy," Harry says softly from behind Louis, sharpening the curl of anticipation in Louis' stomach to a spike of arousal now that he knows that Harry wants to play .

Louis twists on the sofa to see Harry hovering in the darkened threshold of the hall and beckons him closer.

"Hey baby, why don't you come here, yeah? Let Daddy get a good look at you."

Harry ducks his head but does as he's asked and steps forward into the soft light of the living room, finally letting Louis see how he looks in his gift.

The sheer, champagne colored fabric of the bralette gapes a bit over Harry's flat chest, the lace edges perfectly matching the lace of the garter belt that nips in Harry's waist, accentuating his already thick hips and thighs. Harry's legs look impossibly long as he walks towards Louis, wrapped as they are in sheer stockings. The fabric of the champagne lace panties turns sheer where Harry's already hard and leaking, making Louis' mouth water.

Louis whistles lowly as Harry comes to a stop in front of him, making Harry duck his head and flush with embarrassment. Harry's always so sure when they're on stage, so confident, and Louis loves that, loves seeing his boy feeling so good about himself. But Louis loves Harry like this too, when he's soft and waiting for his Daddy's approval.

"Look at how pretty you are," Louis murmurs, Harry's stockinged toes curling against the floor at the praise, "Give Daddy a twirl, baby."

Harry preens and obligingly turns in place, showing off the ruffles on the back of the panties and how the straps from the garterbelt run down the back of his thighs to hold his stockings up. Louis has to school his expression into something less predatory before Harry turns back around but if the way that Harry's breath hitches is any indication, he doesn't quite manage it.

"Do you like your gift?" Louis asks, despite the obvious evidence tenting the front of Harry's panties saying that he very much does.

Harry blushes again and nods almost shyly, only for Louis to tsk.

"Use your words, baby, what do you say?"

"Thank you, Daddy," Harry murmurs, smiling sweetly and looking so beautiful that Louis is the one that loses his breath.

Louis hums in approval and pats his lap with the hand not holding his drink, "Come sit, pet."

Harry's smile widens into a grin as he climbs onto the couch eagerly, knees knocking awkwardly until Louis steadies him with his free hand on the small of Harry's waist. He finally settles stradling Louis' thighs with his arms around his shoulders.

"Hi Daddy," Harry breathes, hair curling softly at his temples as he leans forward and nuzzles his face against Louis'.

Louis laughs and kisses Harry sweetly, before pulling back and replying fondly with a, "Hi baby."

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