i can't breathe without you

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this one's a bit more fluff and just little harry adorableness but i had to include it so bare with me<33


Louis wakes up on Saturday to Harry peering at him from the other side of the bed, lower lip between his teeth. Louis waits for him to speak.

'Morning, Daddy,' Harry chirps, and like that Louis knows it's one of those days.

'Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?' He speaks around a yawn, wiping the sleep from his eyes as Harry comes closer, rests a hand on his chest to be above him.

Harry hums in reply and Louis hums back happily, still sleepy enough that he could go back to sleep if Harry wanted, but that he can be woken up by some coffee if Harry feels like getting up.

'What time is it, baby?' he asks then, eyes slipping shut as he rests his hand over Harry's, clasping his hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss softly at his palm.

'After nine, Daddy.'

Louis nods and blinks his eyes back open to look up at Harry as Harry leans over him, mouth hovering for a kiss.

'And how old are you baby?'

Harry shrugs, sucks his lower lip back between his teeth and Louis tuts before drawing him in for his morning kiss.

Afterward, he coaxes Harry out of bed and into the bathroom, holding his toothbrush out to him but Harry just sits on the lip of the bath and blinks up at him. Louis sets his own toothbrush down and realises Harry must be younger than he thought today, or just in one of his ambiguous-age moods.

He sits down on the lid of the toilet, picking up Harry's pink toothbrush and taking his chin in the other hand, Harry's mouth opening willingly. Louis brushes his teeth gently, Harry's cow eyes watching him the whole time as he keeps his mouth slack for Louis to brush at his molars.

Harry waits patiently while Louis brushes his own teeth, and Louis watches through the mirror as Harry cautiously lifts his thumb to his mouth, waiting to see if he's going to get scolded. Louis decides that one day can't do his teeth too much damage. He smiles around his toothbrush before he spits.

Harry holds his hand as they go downstairs, his thumb in his mouth the whole time that he totters clumsily and holds onto Louis' hand like if he doesn't he might fall. Which he might, actually.

Once in the kitchen, he hoists Harry up onto the counter and is about to ask him what he wants for breakfast when he looks down and notices his feet.

He gasps dramatically, watching as Harry looks down at his own feet before he curls his toes as an adorable attempt at hiding them.

'Where are your socks, little love?'

Harry shrugs, thumb falling from his mouth. Louis tuts. 'Stay right here, Daddy's going to get you some sockies for your little footies.'

Louis runs back upstairs and pulls open the second drawer in their chest, digging around for some of Harry's fluffy socks.

Harry's still where Louis left him when he comes back. Louis thinks Harry must have been a little darling as a child, smiling and quiet and offering to make his mummy tea whenever she got home from work.

Harry doesn't help him put his socks on, but he doesn't try to kick like he does some days, just sits and sucks loudly on his thumb as he watches Louis pull his socks up to his ankles.

'Now, what do you want for breakfast, sweetie?' Louis asks him, leaning in to give him another kiss.

'Food!' Harry giggles, and Louis shakes his head.

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