good boys always win

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Louis decides he likes the collar the second it's secured around Harry's neck.

Harry looks like he wants to test it, maybe pull on the leather a bit to see if it's too tight, but his hands stay folded in his lap. Louis drags his fingers over his neck, right above the collar. He lifts his hand to thumb over Harry's lips, pulling on his lower so it folds down and Louis can see the white of his teeth.

Harry's Bambi-eyes are wide as he stares up at him, his gaze never leaving Louis. Louis cups his jaw and rubs his thumb over his cheek, surveying Harry. Harry's back straightens in the slightest, shifting on his knees to sit straighter for Louis.

Louis drops his hand, leaves one hand to hook a finger into Harry's collar and pull it tight as his other runs up from his own knee. He traces his hand up his thigh before he wraps a strong fist around the base of his cock, feeling it swell in his grip.

He pulls lightly on Harry's collar, just so that his lips pop open and he blinks twice. He runs his fist up his length, going slow so not to feel the burn of his dry hand.

"You look so pretty," Louis says to Harry, yanking on his collar so Harry's mouth slowly opens again and his chest rises, "such a good boy."

Harry's chest rises and falls quicker as Louis' grasp on his cock tightens, holding it just under the head and making it aim towards Harry's lips. Harry subconsciously leans in slightly, his tongue coming out to spread over his lower lip before his upper teeth clamp down on the skin just under his lip, biting down.

"Wanna suck my cock? Think you deserve it?"

Harry nods quickly; too frantic and harsh for the hold Louis' still has on his collar. Louis can hear Harry's mouth moving as he pulls tight. Harry's lips fall and he looks ready to gag.

Louis pulls his finger so the collar pulls Harry closer, his cock hovering just before his pink lips. Harry looks ready to lean forward and suck but he looks up at Louis with wide and questioning eyes. Louis nods.

Harry leans in, closing his lips around Louis' head and sucking softly. Louis lets his eyes flutter closed, his grip on Harry's collar loosening as Harry circles his tongue around his slit.

"Put your arms behind your back, baby." Louis commands, seeing Harry comply almost instantly.

Harry sucks down, his cheeks hollowing as his tongue covers his teeth, gliding against the underside of Louis' cock as he lowers his head. He goes as far as he's comfortable before he begins to bob slowly, his head moving back up before he swallows down.

Louis slips a second finger into the leather, pulling it tighter, while his other hand goes to Harry's hair. He slips his fingers along his scalp, loving the feel of his silky waves between his fingers. Harry bobs a bit faster, going deeper but still not there.

Louis gets a good grip on Harry's hair before he pushes him down.

Harry's throat closes around him and he hears the delicious sound of Harry gagging around him, feeling spit run down his length and pooling at his base. Harry comes back up and breathes deeply, Louis still pulling on his hair.

Louis gives him a moment to catch his breath before he forces him back down, pushing him as far down as he can go before he can hear Harry's throat and hears him gurgling around his girth. Harry breathes deep through his nose and Louis' pushes him more, only stopping when Harry's nose is flat to his stomach and his spit is dribbling down his chin.

"Look are me sweetheart, let me see your pretty face." Louis encourages, pulling Harry up his length before he grips on his hair and forces him back down.

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