these thighs were made for loving you

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The dinner party feels like it's going forever. Harry enjoys their friends, he really does. They're vivacious and intelligent and fun to be around, but he is having trouble engaging with them tonight. The food is delicious and he's sure the conversation is animated and interesting and he is trying really hard to concentrate. Except....

Louis has been glancing at him from across the table with that look in his eyes. He's seen it numerous times before. He craves the look. Waits for it. The look that means tonight is playtime.

They bid their friends farewell and climb into their Range Rover, leather seats hugging them and soft music the only thing permeating their bubble.

It's been at least five minutes and Louis hasn't spoken since they left. Harry is starting to get antsy. He knows something is coming when they get home, he just doesn't know what.

Since the original revelation that they are both into "stuff" in the bedroom their sex life has gone from amazing to mind blowing.

They've spent less and less time with their friends and more time exploring this new world they've jumped into head first.

They've done their research, established boundaries and done their "Yes / Maybe / Absolutely Not" lists. They've also explored the wonderful world of toys and determined what items are in and which ones they're not comfortable with.

Ball gags are out, blindfolds are in.

Spreader bars are out, 4-way restraints are in.

Collars are out, nipple clamps with chains and weights are in.

Cock locks are out, butt plugs and vibrators are in.

Whips and cat o' nine tails are out, paddles are in.

So yeah. It's been an ummm.... interesting time to say the least but Harry has never been happier.

Louis is staring straight ahead at the road and hasn't so much as glanced in Harry's direction the entire drive. One hand resting on the steering wheel and the other on the armrest of the door.

Harry is trying to stay still but he can't stop himself from shifting in his seat, looking ahead but with his head turned just enough that he can see Louis in his periphery. He's running his balled fists up and down his thighs unconsciously; bottom lip sucked into his mouth.

The distance between their friends house and their own home isn't far, but to Harry it might as well be a world away.

He doesn't even know how Louis gets him so riled up. He hasn't even done anything. But the anticipation is killing him. Those looks over the dinner table, the small private smiles reserved for only him, the way he looks right into his soul. It's just that it does things to Harry.

Brights lights from the oncoming cars are casting shadows inside, beams of light creeping up their bodies as they speed along. Only a few more minutes and they'll be home he thinks. He just has to keep it together. Just a few more minutes.

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