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03:42 am

Louis stirs awake to a faint moaning sound, coming from what he believes to be next to him. He rolls over to turn the lamp on in case Harry is having another one of his dreadful nightmares.

"Harry babe, are you-" Louis' sentence is interrupted by Harry's hand covering his mouth.

"Shh, can you hear that?" His eyes flitting in between Louis and the ceiling. "The neighbours upstairs are having the time of their lives." He grumbles, sarcasm dripping from his drool-covered lips.

Louis slows down his breathing to focus on the sounds above, gentle moans are seeping through the relatively thin ceiling. They aren't loud enough to cause a disturbance, but not quiet enough to ignore that it's happening. He looks back at Harry who is now staring intently at the ceiling. Moments later, Harry drops his hand from Louis' mouth and begins to lay back down, ignoring the soft melody from upstairs. Louis accepts that he must sleep, with or without the noise, and rolls over to turn the light off, settling into the soft mattress, awaiting for sleep to take over his cold body.

Just as Louis hits the bliss of sleep, he's startled by a louder scream, he rolls to turn over the light once again, sweat accumulating on his brow thinking that this time it could be Harry. Yet again, Harry is staring at the ceiling, eyes unblinking whilst he fights off the sleep he was wrapped in. As Louis begins to calm down, he notices the screams and moans are getting louder and louder. He checks the clock, 04:14 am, then he gets a bright idea. He doesn't realise he's been staring at Harry for so long, until he's brought back to Earth by the faint snapping of Harry's fingers.

"Louis, Louis, Louuiis, helllloo, Earth to Louis." Harry repeats, his volume increasing after every word. "Louis, what do you think we should do? It's not like we can go up there and tell them to stop."

Louis smirks at a confused, and slightly scared Harry. "Babe, I have the perfect idea." He rumbles, licking his lips. "You wanna fuck louder than them to establish dominance?"

Harry's eyes light up, tulip dust sprinkles along his cheekbones, he can feel his stomach bubble from excitement, the excitement of being fucked hard. He knows they'll be loud, louder than the neighbours upstairs which will surely cause a disturbance to their love-making, and will call for some uncomfortable meetings at the mailbox downstairs. Sure, Louis and Harry make love, but they also fuck, and they fuck dirty. Tonight is not the night for passionate romance, it's the night for an orchestra of scarlet red dripping from their fingertips, traces being left over their intertwined bodies, sinful words exchanged between them that will fade into the moonlight, to be forgotten in the morning.

Louis reaches down under their bed and pulls out two red satin ropes that are adorned with miniature velvet floral patterns. He smiles to himself, knowing Harry will soon be squirming and begging to be released from the tight hold. He also grabs Harry's favourite buttplug, a silver one adorned with a large, red heart that looks so beautiful protruding from Harry's hole. He wants Harry to moan, struggle and writhe tonight.

He grabs Harry's jaw and kisses him roughly, hungrily, as if he is starved of Harry's pretty pink lips. He throws his top off with Harry following suit and they begin to take their tracksuit bottoms off. Harry leans in to engulf Louis in another dirty kiss, but he is stopped by a firm grip on his wrist.

"Oh darling, we aren't starting yet." Louis whispers, his breath dancing down Harry's neck. "Get on your front with your hands behind your back. Now." Harry, feeling like a brat, looks up at Louis, and bats his eyelashes.

"No, I don't want to." He pouts, his voice drenched with sugar. "You'll have to make me-" He's cut off abruptly by Louis grabbing his chin and sticking two fingers in his mouth, pulling him forward. His other hand still gripping his wrist.

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