take me into your loving arms - 4/4

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lastly, part four of the "come on, bring everything" series, enjoy!


Brit Awards // 2013 // exhibitionism and bondage

On the night of the Brits, Louis is lying starfished on his and Harry's unmade bed in his briefs while Harry is in the shower. He's mindlessly scrolling through twitter, following a few fans and laughing at the wild speculations they're making about what the night may bring. It seems there's a general consensus that Louis won't be able to take his eyes off of Harry and may even sneak in a kiss when he thinks no one is looking. Well, they're not exactly wrong, he thinks.

Distantly, he hears Harry finish his rendition of My Heart Will Go On and shut off the water, hears the light thump of his footsteps on the tile floor. He appears in the doorway a few moments later, towel wrapped around his waist and skin soft and pink from being scrubbed and shaved. Louis notices the downy hair on his legs is gone and replaced by miles of smooth skin and a tiny cut on his knee.

Now, there's never a time Louis doesn't think Harry is beautiful, but when he's just gotten out of the shower he's absolutely gorgeous. He looks young and vulnerable with his wet and wild hair, eyelashes dark and clumped together and lips still shiny with water droplets. "You look beautiful," Louis says to him aloud. He grins when Harry blushes, pigeon toes curling bashfully into the carpet.

"'M not even ready yet," he blusters, dropping his towel and striding over to the dresser to pick out his underwear. Louis takes a moment to admire the view as he bends over and whistles suggestively to make Harry laugh.

"Well you always look lovely to me." Louis flirtatiously beckons him over with his finger, exaggeratingly waggling his eyebrows. He smiles fondly as Harry nearly trips over his own feet in his haste to get to the older boy.

Harry folds himself easily into Louis' arms, their height difference making things only a little unconventional. When Harry began to outgrow him, Louis was sad thinking that he would have to give up his title of the Big Spoon. Fortunately, Harry wasn't willing to graduate from Little Spoon, claiming that he'd always be bendy enough to fit inside the circle of Louis' arms.

Now, however, Harry positions himself so that he's facing Louis, head tucked under the older boy's chin. Louis pulls a thin sheet up over them so that their body heat is trapped inside. Absentmindedly, he trails his fingers down Harry's spine and tucks them under his briefs, using the leverage he has to pull Harry closer.

Harry snuffles happily like a kitten and shoves his bum back into Louis' splayed hand. "Cheeky," he mumbles quietly as Louis brushes his thumb over Harry's hole. Frowning, Louis applies more pressure and barely manages to contain his hum of disapproval when he finds that Harry is loose and open, slick with traces of lube.

"What's this?" He asks, voice light and casual. He feels Harry shiver.

"Got, erm, got a little hot. In the shower," he explains quickly. "Was thinking of you, promise."

"Oh, so this is for me?" Louis teases, easily sliding in two more fingers. He strokes and pets over Harry's spot patiently as he waits for an answer, admires the way Harry manages to swallow him up.

"I – oh – 's always for you, Lou." Harry puffs hot breath over Louis' collarbone and slings a leg over Louis' thigh, opening himself up wider. "More, please."

(In any other situation, it would be comical to even entertain the idea that Harry thinks about anyone other than Louis when he's getting off, but Louis' possessiveness and Harry's submission are amplified tenfold in the bedroom, so. It works.)

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