i want you to take me higher, till i can't take it no more

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https://archiveofourown.org/works/1064836/chapters/2136081 (work)

https://archiveofourown.org/works/1064836/chapters/2138078#workskin (picture)

here's part two for "hey, you see me down on the floor" series. 

also there was a picture with this chapter but i didn't add it because it would get me flagged so if you wanna look the link is there, enjoy!


Louis walks back to his and Harry's shared room armed with a cupcake and a rose, determined to beat Harry to the punch with a surprise of his own for their anniversary. Ever since they'd gotten together months ago, Harry's celebrated each month of their relationship with some sappy gift. Month one it was a coupon for a sexual favor of Louis' choice, decorated with cat stickers. Month three was a spaghetti dinner and a blowjob, and just last month was a homemade jar painted with smiling penises that Harry had made in his pottery class with the intended use of storing their lube and condoms. Romantic stuff, really.

Six months is Big, though, and Louis wants to dredge up some of his dormant romanticism and sweep Harry off his feet, too. Admittedly a cupcake and a rose isn't much, but he's on a tight budget; he'll make up the deficit by giving Harry a thorough rimjob later, he thinks.

He unlocks the door to their room and walks in, surprised to see the room dark and uninhabited. Harry should've been back from class a couple hours ago. Louis shrugs and ambles in, placing his jacket on the corner of his bed post and slipping off his shoes. The door opens behind him and he whirls around to see a nervous Harry standing by the door in a white robe.

"Hey babe," Louis smiles. "Happy anniversary." He walks over and runs his hands through Harry's loose curls, leaving a gentle kiss on his lips. Harry blushes and looks down at his feet, dimple poking through his cheek.

"Got you a cupcake," Louis grins. "Red velvet. Fancy." He hands it over to Harry, placing it in his outstretched hand.

"Thanks, Lou," Harry responds. He swipes some icing off with his fingers and licks around it, eyes dancing with amusement at Louis' focused gaze on his mouth. He puts the cupcake down on his desk and leads Louis over to sit on his bed. Louis looks up at Harry, confused, while Harry stands before him with his hands on his hips, nibbling his lip nervously.

Louis cocks his head and asks, "What's the matter, H? You look anxious."

Harry shakes his head and crinkles his nose. "Not anxious. Just...close your eyes, please."

Louis does as he's told and leans back on his arms with his eyes pressed shut. He hears Harry shift in front of him; there's a muted sound that he thinks is his robe hitting the floor. He listens as Harry pads over to switch the room light off and Louis' bedside lamp on.

"Alright, you can look now," Harry murmurs.

Louis opens his eyes and lets his vision adjust to the dimmed light before he gasps. Harry stands in front of him, hands clasped behind his back, wearing the sexiest thing he's ever seen – which, considering the lacey underthings found in Harry's drawers that he's already worn, says a lot.

His long legs are clad in black stockings that he's amazed he didn't notice before. They're hooked into a black garter belt that rests above barely-there lace panties. The material covers most of his arse, but they sit low in the front, leaving Harry's half hard cock exposed and bobbing in front of him. On top, Harry's hardly covered in some skimpy nightie-looking thing, parted in the middle to show off his new butterfly tattoo.

Louis gulps as his eyes trace over every inch of Harry's ensemble. They don't get to do this kind of thing often – with schoolwork and football and studying, their sex life during the week mostly consists of hurried handjobs and morning blowjobs – but when they do, Harry never ceases to amaze Louis. He didn't even know that he had a thing for lingerie until he met the younger boy and walked in on him that one afternoon. But Harry just fits in it so naturally; his long lanky body and soft hips always look so stunning when he's swathed in the delicate fabric.

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