i'll be on the floor, on the floor - 1/3

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here's part one to the 'i gotta get better'  series, enjoy ;)


Louis was really young when his mother died. He was only eighteen when he had to take charge of his four sisters. He would have never complained though, he would have never blamed anyone because it really wasn't anyone's fault. It wasn't their fault that he had to forget about going to college, or that he had to work 24/7 to maintain them. It was just how things were.

What no one knew though was the fact that Louis was under a lot of pressure all the time, and he was so young for this. Two years after Jay's dead, he had his first panic attack when Daisy and Phoebe got lost in a supermarket. The security guard found them five minutes later, they were just picking some candies, but Louis was so worried all the time, so scared of not being enough. Because not being enough would mean that his sisters would get hurt, and he couldn't let that happen.
Harry, his boyfriend, saw it all. He was the only person Louis really talked to and he knew about Louis worries. And he was so worried because he knew Louis was about to have a break down and he felt the necessity of helping him somehow. And that was only the beginning.

It was all about control. Louis was always in control, always forcing himself to be the strong one, to take the decisions. So, this worked perfectly. Harry knew how to help him take it all out, give up control when he needed to. And now they were experts.


"I have a surprise for you" Harry whispered against Louis' ear. He was holding him from behind, a cheeky smile on his lips because he knew what was coming.

And Louis knew that tone. Harry's voice was always deep, deeper than the ocean, but it was especially deeper when they did this. He took a deep breath and let his eyes flutter closed.

"A surprise?" He asked, his voice so little, tiny.

"Yes, baby boy. Only for you" The other answered softly, nosing his temple as he did. "We're going to try a new thing today. I think you're gonna like it. But if you don't, you have to tell me, alright?"

Louis nodded quickly at that and whispered a breathy "yes", just wanting Harry to take him already. But that wasn't what happened. Harry help him put on his jacket and led him to the car.

Louis had no idea where they were going but he trusted his boyfriend blindly. He would have never expected this though.


"Harry" Louis murmured surprised as he stood in front of a wall of glass, in front of at least seven strangers. Harry had drove him to a bdsm bar, where people usually went to find a dom or a sub, but not them. He had paid for a special room where they were watched by anyone who wanted to do it.

Harry smirked and placed his chin on Louis' shoulder, hugging him from behind again.

"Too much?" He said softly. "You can tell me if you don't like it and we go back home in a second... I just thought it could be fun, you know?"

Louis furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, turning around to face Harry.

"I want to. I just... Damn, Harry" he whispered and chuckled a bit. "I really want to. I promise."

He wasn't completely sure, but Harry looked so confident. And Harry always knew what he needed. Besides, the only thought of being watched like that while Harry fucked him made his knees weak.

Harry pecked his lips once with a smile before pulling back. He grabbed a chair and placed it right in front of the wall made of glass.

"Take off your clothes, pet" he instructed Louis as he took his own shirt off and tied his hair in a messy bun to be more comfortable. "Fold them and leave them on the desk, please.

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