cigarette in my left hand

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here's a little lockdown au, enjoy :))


"You wanker, let me sleep.. for fuck's sake"

Is how Harry's mornings normally start. While it used to scare him at first, he's now used to waking up next to a grumpy boyfriend - slash - roommate who never stops whining about how strongly he hates alarm clocks.

"Sorry Lou-bear..go back to sleep" Harry coos despite Louis' morning grumpiness.

In the barely there light Harry can see the tiniest smile that spreads across Louis' face, before he's burying his head under the pillow and murmuring more nonsense into it.

Harry would much rather stay in bed and cuddle with Louis than be up at 9 am to attend an online lecture, but it is what it is. He briefly considers bringing his laptop over to bed, but he knows he's gonna end up falling asleep instead of taking notes.

He stretches his arms and yawns quietly, finally mustering up the energy to leave their snuggly cocoon, which is enough struggle as it is.

The lockdown has taken its toll in all aspects of Harry and Louis' lives. While having more free time seemed like the perfect opportunity to start exercising more, try new recipes and build healthy habits at first, it has only resulted in them being even lazier than usual.

Naturally, Harry only makes it as far as the bathroom to wash the sleep off his eyes, before slumping down on the couch and wrapping the throw blanket around his shoulders. The apartment is freezing cold, since they are running low on money, what with them losing their jobs at the library.

They can only thank their mummies for keeping them clean and providing them with food in the form of pocket money in their respective bank accounts. Well, Louis is a bit grumpy about it (isn't he about everything?), because he hates relying on his family, especially when he knows all about their poor financial status. However, him and Harry have no other choice but to accept the money and thank them every day.

In the end, investing in a few more blankets and socks has proved to be effective. Harry might not be the happiest about it, but he knows to be grateful.

Just the day when the lockdown was announced, Harry had rushed to the grocery store to get the necessary for the next couple of weeks. He was strolling past the dairy section when he heard sobs coming from the next aisle.

Harry rolled his trolley and found a woman in her late forties sobbing as she clutched a single pack of spaghetti to her chest, counting some change on her other hand. Harry left his trolley to the side and went up to the poor woman, asking her if she needed any help.

Harry's heart shattered when she told him she was about to lose her job due to the lockdown, and that she was a single mother of two with no help from family whatsoever.

Harry had paid for her pack of spaghetti, some cheese, flour and milk and she had smiled at him through her tears and gratefully, like he had saved her life.

Louis held Harry to his chest as he cried that night, praying for all the people who faced an uncertain future.

He may be cold now as he waits for his laptop to start, but at least he has food in his tummy and a bed to sleep in.

And he may not be taking notes for the simple reason that he doesn't even ponder moving his fingers from under the blanket, but at least he can hear professor Winston's steady voice. He hopes that by the end of this semester he will have absorbed at least part of the material he hears (but never writes down).

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