i'm gonna love you (until you hate me)

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everything about louis is glasses is just perfection


Harry strolled into the house with a swing in his step and a glittery smile on his face. He had had a great day. It all began with waking up Louis with a morning blowjob, as per usual, and getting paid back by sitting on Louis' face for the next half hour. Next, he fixed breakfast, which consisted of gluten free toast and homemade smoothies, before he left to go meet Jeff and Nadine for lunch.

Harry had spent the afternoon strolling down Hollywood Avenue and soaking up the beautiful weather there in Los Angeles. Nothing was better than shopping for new lace panties and still feeling the aftermath of Louis' beard burn between his thighs.

But now Harry was home, in perfect time to see Louis for dinner. He was incredibly thankful that Louis had snuck over to LA in the middle of their break. Often times, Louis wasn't able to see him due to the chances of getting caught being seen near Harry.

Gently, Harry set his bags down on the couch before making his way upstairs. Honestly, their house in LA was huge, but Harry had a certain feeling he knew where he could find Louis.

Harry climbed up the stairs eagerly, taking two at a time. He had a grin on his face, and it was probably very stupid, but he was finally coming home to see his husband and not stuck using FaceTime and whining about missing beard burn between his thighs.

"Louis?" Harry called, making his way down the hall and towards their bedroom where he presumed he'd find Louis waiting for him. Honestly, they hadn't fucked in nearly 24 hours. He ached to feel Louis' fingers inside of him already.

Harry peaked his head into their bedroom but found it completely empty. He grunted, feeling way too eager and horny only to find Louis wasn't even in the bedroom. He didn't wear red lace panties for nothing. He desperately needed Louis.

With a small sigh, Harry walked down the hall again. He peaked through every room, hoping to see Louis in one of them, only to be disappointed. His car was outside, so Harry knew he was home. The question was now, where the hell was he.

Harry huffed, growing more and more frustrated as he searched the many rooms of the house. Finally, he peaked through their large office and was halfway to the next room when he whipped around and suddenly realized he found Louis.

Harry bounded into the room clumsily, half running into the door out of the eagerness that flooded him. Louis looked up from where his attention was on a large stack of papers on their oakwood desk. With a small smile, Louis chuckled at Harry's clumsiness and went back to looking down at his papers.

Harry was frozen in his tracks. He had caught himself in his fall, managing to stay upright but when he took a second glance at Louis he realized something was different. Something about Louis just looked different. Harry did another once over of Louis' focused face and was about to speak when-

Jesus Christ.

Louis was wearing glasses.

Harry stopped breathing. In that exact moment, every inch of air left his lungs and he was frozen like a deer in headlights. Louis still hadn't looked at him, but Harry was all too focused staring at the black frames on Louis' face to even care.

Louis hadn't brought out his glasses in ages. For a while, when they were younger, Louis had worn glasses as a bit of an accessory. Harry enjoyed them too, often making Louis wear them while he fucked Harry. It had been his 16-year-old self's favorite thing for a while, honestly. He loved being tied up with Louis' suspenders and having Louis fuck him while wearing glasses.

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