got my teeth in you

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last one for tonight my loves, enjoy!!


"We can't keep doing this," Harry whispered to Louis, like he hadn't texted him first, asking to come over.

"Aren't you having fun?"

"It's not about fun," he retorted, unusually fickle. "You may be off work, but I've got finals coming up. I need to focus on other things." He slid his Flintstones t-shirt over his head, dressing himself to leave.

Louis looked at him from where he was laid down in bed, surrounded by boxes of their takeout. Harry's body was intertwined with his just a few minutes prior in his tiny bed, but it already felt like a lifetime.

"What kind of things?"

"I'm behind on studying and I have to eat better. We can't order that crap every time I'm here. I still need to finish reading Norwegian Wood for my paper too. You've been distracting me with your..." he gestured vaguely, unsure of what he wanted to say.

"Different kind of wood?" Louis smirked, proud of himself for coming up with a joke he knew Harry would like.

Harry didn't laugh. He meant Louis' relentless commitment to living his life with no strings attached, in between jobs, from one hook up to another, misbehaving for days. He sighed heavily, put on his trainers and headed to the door.

"Hey, Haz. Text me?" Louis nearly begged.

"I'll see you around, okay?" Harry left through the door without leaving room for an answer, his footsteps echoing down the stairs like a fading memory.

"Thought I'd find you here," Louis chimed in. "Had to hunt you down, since you act like you don't own a phone."

Harry jumped having his silence disturbed, "I'm really busy, Lou."

"What are you reading?"


Louis sat down across from him, trying his best not to pester the other students. "You live in the library now. It's never been this bad. You've been argumentative, too. What's up with you?"

Harry sighed, closing his book. "I'm fine, I promise. Just a lot to do before the semester ends."

"Why does your grumpy face say otherwise?"

Harry wished he could tell him, he really did. About how his heart ricocheted against his chest cavity every second he was with him, even though it shouldn't.

"Hungry. Gonna grab a bite before heading home," he glanced at the clock on the wall, realising he had spent all day there.

He stood up, sliding his many books into his threadbare satchel.

Louis did the same, a little awkward in his haste. "Are you going to Calvin's get together?"

"No," he faltered. "I mean, maybe. I'm not sure yet."

Louis nodded, "I'll see you, then."

After shooting him a sad smile, Harry wore his satchel against his chest and shot him a wave. "See you, Lou."

"So, is Harry coming or what?" Calvin asked, concentrated on the blunt he was rolling. "He never replied to my texts about the party. Or about anything else, really."

"He does that," Louis laughed fondly. "And, I'm not sure. He told me he had to study for Japanese Literature or something," he shrugged.

"Yeah, right, study on a Saturday. I can't be arsed," he scoffed, taking the blunt to his lips. "Gimme a light."

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