a slut in my eyes

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this is part 1 to the 'welcome to the mansion series'  so, enjoy!!


Ever since he was old enough to read Playboy magazine, Harry knew that he wanted to be one of them. It also made him realize that instead of using the pictures of the scantily clad bunnies to get himself off, he looked at the pictures and aspired to be just like them. Everyone knew the infamous Louis Tomlinson, millionaire and proud owner and resident of the Playboy Mansion.

Harry knew his mum and Robin wouldn't approve of his dream, so to please them he went to two years of UNI before informing them that he was dropping out. After making connections with a handful of important people and using his charm and angelic looks, he was offered a place in the mansion.

Now, Harry was known as Baby, both around the house and around the world. He wasn't the youngest of the house but his cherubic face and youthful personality only made everyone want to pinch his cheeks - all of them.

His first day at the mansion, Harry was given a room on the third floor, closest to Louis. He met Niall, Liam, Zayn, all well known Bunnies. Zayn had been in more shoots than anyone combined. Liam had been on the front cover of Playboy for three consecutive months. Niall appealed to all audiences with his boyish good looks and ability to charm the pants off of anyone.

They'd all immediately taken a liking to Harry. They didn't mind - in fact, they often encouraged - him wearing nothing but short shorts with a little fluffy tail on the butt around the mansion. Harry especially loved the reactions he got from the boys; they liked to slap his bum as he walked by or let him sit on their laps while they pet his soft hair. No one could get enough of Harry.

That is, it seemed, except for Louis himself. The first two months Harry lived at the mansion, he saw no evidence that the man even loved there. The only reason he knew he did was when one of the other Bunnies would get called in to Louis' room. There was many a time when Harry would be in the middle of a conversation with Zayn or Liam and they would be summoned. Two hours later they would emerge blushing and disheveled, love bites scattered along their necks.

It didn't take long before Harry was feeling down. He felt unwanted and less worthy than the others. He tried not to let is show, but the other boys caught on quickly.

"Don't worry about it too much Baby," Liam would say, carding his fingers through Harrys unruly curls. "You're time will come."

"How long did it take you to get invited to his room?" Harry dares to ask.

"Well, um, let's see - probably about an hour? Or two?" Liam stutters out, looking apologetic.

Depressed, Harry hangs his head in his hands, wondering what he did wrong to deserve the cold shoulder from Louis.

Finally, after two months and fifteen days of living in the Playboy mansion, Harry's time comes.

He's lounging out by the pool with Greg, slick with oil and working on a tan. Greg is giving him a recap of the latest episode of Breaking Bad while Harry closes his eyes underneath his RayBans.

Somewhere during his monologue Greg stops and says, "Looks like you're being summoned babe."

Harry's eyes fly open at that and he sits up so fast he gets a head rush. At the sliding glass door stands Zayn, beckoning him forward. Not exactly who he was hoping to see but it'll do, Harry supposes.

Harry slips on his sandles and flounces inside. He can feel Greg's eyes on him and Zayn gives his bum a small tap as he walks through the door.

"Listen," Zayn begins, leaning in close to whisper. "Liam's been requested upstairs but he's caught the flu, throwing up and the whole bit."

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