daddy came home

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Harry turns sideways in the full length mirror, scanning his eyes over his legs. He's just gotten done shaving them and exfoliating from head to toe in the shower. His hair is damp and curling up behind his ears, not as annoying as it was when it was falling down his back a few months ago. He turns again, peeking over his shoulder at the view of his bare ass in the mirror. He loved shaving his legs. It always made him feel a sense of confidence.

He takes off for his walk in closet, heading straight to the top drawer of his dresser. Behind his row of usual black briefs, lies a row of various silky and lacy pairs of panties. What started with one had turned into his own small, but ever growing collection.

His hands still on a black floral pair of cheekies that he purchased last time he was out. He hadn't put them on yet, but now felt like the perfect time. He slides them up his smooth legs, breathing deeply at the material scratching against his sensitive thighs. They're snug on his cheeks, showing a nice amount of skin between the lace flowers.

After he's done with that he heads to Louis' corner of the closet, slowly dragging his fingertips over his husband's shirts. He find Louis' old football jerseys from his university days. Harry used to wear them practically everyday before they were married, claiming he wanted to wear the Tomlinson name proud. He decides on his favorite red one. Due to Harry's height it doesn't do much to cover the panties resting on his lower half. But when he goes back to the mirror in the bathroom he grins. When he turned around you could get a great view of his ass along with Tomlinson spelled out across his shoulder blades.

He can't resist taking a few pictures, chewing on his lip for some and turning sideways so you can barely get a glimpse of his soft cock tucked into the lace. He checks the time, noting that Louis should be headed home in the next hour or so if everything at the office was going smoothly. He plops down onto their king size bed, typing out a message to go along with his new pictures.

To Lou: Dug out your old jersey... hope you don't mind.

He sends it and then instantly goes for the top drawer of his nightstand, finding his favorite strawberry lube quickly. He lays back against the pillows, shifting his panties to the side so he can reach over his dry hole.

His phone buzzes beside him, making him pause for a moment.

From Lou: Dammit baby. You're gonna get Daddy in trouble. I'm in a meeting for at least another hour.

Harry's hand trembles as he types with one hand, the other shooting back to where he was starting to open himself up. He takes a picture of the lube propped up against his thigh.

To Lou: Who is the meeting with?

He bites his lip, knowing he is playing with fire. Louis did not tolerate much teasing, especially not from afar.

From Lou: Do not get yourself off. Do I need to tie you up when I get home??

Harry moans, arranging himself so his hips are spread wider and dripping lube messily onto his hand. He presses a full finger into himself, arching into the burn.

To Lou: Think traffic will be bad getting home?

He drops his phone on his stomach, pushing his weight down on his hand. His phone buzzes multiple times, but he waits for a minute, getting another finger in himself and spreading them out.

From Lou: Baby I'm going to have to punish you.....

From Lou: Do not cum

From Lou: Listen to Daddy, baby

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