head in a flurry

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Just a little note this is all consensual yet sort of kinky i guess, enjoy! :)


Louis sits in front of the mirror in his dressing room, eyes lost in his reflection as the memory of Harry's guttural moan last night infects his thoughts. Nevermind that they have to get on stage in, like, an hour. Louis doesn't have time for nerves when all that festers his mind is how sinful Harry was. Louis almost had to stop eating him out to make sure Harry was the one who made that noise, and not some experienced legend of a pornstar.

Lou's gentle yet firm voice is what shakes him out of his little daydream.

"Alright, Louis, you're gonna wear these," she says, gesturing towards the clothes she layed out for him on the sofa. "And then you're going to call me when you're done so I can do your makeup, yeah?"

"Yup," Louis says, giving her a reassuring smile in the mirror. "Go on then. Pretty sure Niall needs help pulling up his trousers, or something."

Lou rolls her eyes and mutters "wanker," before wiggling her fingers in a goodbye, grin plastered on her face, and slips out of the dressing room.

It's only a few minutes before a rhythmic chain of knocks echoes against the door, Louis raising his voice when he says "Come in!"

Louis doesn't spare a glance at the door at first, too focused on peeling away at his chipped nail. But when he hears a familiar voice, his favorite voice say, "Louis," his attention is no longer trained on his chipped nail-- only on the desperate figure that stands in front of him.

"Harry? What are you--"

Louis is cut off by a pair of lips lunging at his own, Harry's tall, lanky body crashing into him and almost knocking him off the chair. They skip chastity and go straight to teeth and tongue, Harry grabbing Louis' hand and bringing it towards his crotch, where Louis can tell he's so hard it probably hurts. Louis instinctively squeezes around Harry's bulge, which is constricted by his impossibly tight skinnies, eliciting a low moan from Harry.

" Fuck ," Harry whines, rolling his hips into the firm grip of Louis' hand, "More, need more, please Louis, more--"

"Harry," Louis says firmly, pulling his hand away from Harry, despite the choked whine that leaves Harry's lips when he does. Louis' tone spells out patience, Harry , but if the hardness in his own jeans is anything to go by, this is all just an act and Louis would very much like to get Harry naked and fuck him so hard the only word in Harry's vocabulary is "Louis."

But they have to get on stage in 45 minutes. They can't. Louis still has to get changed, and Lou still has to do his makeup to ensure that his face won't be rendered glaringly shiny with sweat. He isn't even sure Harry is done getting ready, and even if he was, he's not sure Lou would be thrilled with the idea of Harry's stage clothes getting ruined with cum.

"Louis, please, just a quickie, a handjob or a blowjob or something , no sex. Promise. Just-- please ." Harry's words come out between broken pants, and Louis almost gives in. Almost .

"No, Harry. We've got to get on stage way too soon."

Harry sighs, hanging his head in defeat. His breathing is still labored, Louis unsure if the source of it is due to racing down labyrinths of hallways in search of Louis' dressing room or the sheer arousal that radiates off of him.

Harry wordlessly strides to the couch, Louis stepping off of the chair, brows furrowed, watching Harry sweep the clothes Lou had previously laid out for him onto the floor.

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