watermelon sugar high

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Louis turns off the tv and stretches out, sighing as his joints pop.

He looks over to Freddie on the couch next to him, snuggled under a blanket, fast asleep. It had taken a lot of convincing on Louis's part for Briana to let him take Freddie for the night so they could watch Harry perform.

He'd gotten so happy when Harry came onto the screen and started saying over and over again, "Dad look, it's papa, it's papa."

Louis recorded the whole thing so he could show Harry when he got home after the party. When Harry had won Louis smiled and cheered with Freddie, which he also recorded. He was a little bummed when Harry didn't win his other category but was so proud of his boy.

Even after all this time he was still so in love with Harry. They had gone through a hard time when they broke up in early 2015 and Louis got drunk and ended up getting Briana pregnant but they got over it eventually and got back together a few months later.

Louis looks over at the clock and checks the time deciding that he should definitely get Freddie into an actual bed before Harry gets home and scolds him for not getting him to bed on time. He stands up and gently picks Freddie up, careful not to wake him. Freddie is five now, definitely not a baby anymore but still small enough for Louis to carry him up the stairs and into his bedroom easily enough.

He lays Freddie down and tucks him in giving him a quick kiss on the forehead, before going back downstairs and grabbing a beer from the fridge.

He returns to his place on the couch and scrolls through twitter on his phone, laughing at how people thought the man in the corner of the screen was him, as if anyone would let him in without everyone finding out. He also laughs at how Harry was so nervous he forgot to grab his award before going back to his spot and sitting down.

He's reading through an article about Harry and Taylor catching up after the show when he hears the front door open and close. He smiles and shuts off his phone when Harry walks in, clad in sweatpants and an old t-shirt of Louis's he stole years ago.

Harry smiles back and immediately curls up in Louis's lap, despite him being much bigger than Louis. Louis kisses his hair and pulls him in close.

"I'm so proud of you baby, you did so good," Louis says in his ear, rubbing Harry's back slowly.

Harry smiles and leans in, kissing Louis softly on the lips before pulling back and resting his head back on the older man's chest.

"You tired?" Louis asks.

Harry nods and leans over to grab Louis's beer, taking a swig before leaning in again. "Did Freddie watch me perform?" he speaks for the first time since walking in the door.

Louis smiles, "He did and he was so proud of you. I even recorded him when he first saw you on screen."

Harry smiles and leans in to kiss Louis again, this time lingering longer, no tongue but perfectly intimate. Louis pulls back this time and Harry whines, trying to chase Louis back with his head.

Louis chuckles and grabs the beer bottle from Harry's grasp, finishing it off before leaning forward, putting the empty bottle on the coffee table.

Harry stands up without a word and walks to the kitchen, coming back shortly after with two beers in one of his huge hands. He sits beside Louis and opens up one of the beers, handing it over to Louis before opening his own.

"Thanks love," Louis says and takes a swig.

Harry smiles and takes a drink of his own beer. "So you were saying you had cute videos of Freddie celebrating?"

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