got a lot you wanna show off baby

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here's part two of 'when i land, you're mine' last chapter for tonight lovelies so enjoy!! 


'Close the door before you take your fucking clothes off baby,'

Louis had been in his office all day, in various meetings about different contracts, and honestly he'd expected Harry to interrupt much earlier than he had.

He'd been in a meeting with one of the local branch manager's for 2 hours now, and the man had just stepped out to answer a phone call, when Louis' office door swung open. Louis didn't need to look up from his laptop to know it was Harry. It was close to 4pm and Harry had been ignored since this morning. Harry didn't take being ignored very well, Louis thought wryly, remembering the last time he hadn't paid Harry enough attention due to work. Part of him really enjoyed the determined way Harry refused to be ignored.

"I'm in a meeting, Harry," Louis murmured without looking up from the document he was typing up. Part of him wanted to pull Harry close, kiss him long and sweet, but the rest knew that Harry was his worst distraction and if he started he wouldn't stop.

"But I'm bored," Harry said softly, voice breathless in a way Louis knew was on purpose. Louis had known Harry long enough and well enough to know mischief in Harry's voice, and there was a wicked edge of it in that one sentence. Louis mentally guarded himself and looked up. His stomach dropped and his body heated with arousal.

Harry stood leaning, long and pale, against Louis' thick, dark oak office door. His creamy skin covered only in a white shirt unbuttoned to reveal his tattooed chest, and a tiny pair of women's lacy knickers. The delicate lace was a soft pink that looked beautiful against Harry's skin, cut to mimic tiny boxer shorts. Harry turned to shut the office door and Louis groaned when he saw that the back cut high over the curves of Harry's arse, making it seem fuller than usual, and a silky white bow sat above the crack of his arse that swayed teasingly when he moved.

"Harry," Louis said warningly when his young boyfriend turned from the now-closed door and began to saunter his way over to where Louis sat at his desk. Harry walked around the back of Louis and he fought not to turn, to watch Harry's every move in those tiny little knickers. Fucking knickers. Harry was trying to kill him.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' shoulders from behind, leaning down to nose at the nape of Louis' neck.

"I'm bored," Harry repeated, his voice a little huskier.

"Go watch a movie or something," Louis said dismissively, fighting to hide his arousal. "I have work to do, Harry."

"But daddy . . ." Harry whispered teasingly into his ear and Louis had to grind his teeth against the arousal that burned in his stomach and demanded he pull Harry into his lap right now.

"Why do you never do as you're told?" Louis ground out and he felt the brush of Harry's breath on the back of his neck with Harry's resulting laugh.

"Because that'd be no fun," Harry murmured, pressing kisses to the length of Louis' neck and reaching up to unfasten the top two buttons of Louis' shirt so that he could slip a hand in and stroke over Louis' chest appreciatively.

"You'd also be punished less often," Louis pointed out, but his voice had lost a little of its edge, and Harry knew it, because he moved to slide around and sit on Louis' desk in front of him, leaning back on his hands and lifting his feet to rest them on the arms of Louis' chair on either side of his body. All spread out like this, Louis couldn't resist stroking his hands down Harry's soft thighs, enjoying the slight bristle of his leg hair.

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