cockwarming and chandler bing

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Louis: Hey can you call H in a few minutes? Wanna try smth ;)

Zayn: This is something kinky isn't it.

Louis: Do you really want an answer to that?

Zayn: You're depraved.

Louis: I know ;)

Louis: So call him?

Zayn: do i have a choice?

Louis: nope, thanks!

Zayn: twat


Louis grins at his phone, squeezing Harry's hip lightly, shifting slightly. Harry's breath catches and a shiver travels down his spine. Louis' thumb rubs into the skin of Harry's hip and Louis shifts his attention to the tv in front of them.

Harry moves a little, leaning further back against Louis, letting out a small sound as it changes the angle that the tip of Louis' cock brushes against his prostate.

"Y'good baby?" Louis murmurs in his ear, loving the way Harry shudders.

"Mhm, fine," Harry replies, staring at the television. Friends is playing on the screen, but neither of them are paying much attention. They never do when they do this. Harry's distracted by the cock up his arse and Louis is distracted by Harry. It's a never ending string of small sounds and miniscule adjustments, trying to get used to Louis filling him up.

The first time they tried it, Harry began riding him within minutes. Now, they've been like this for two episodes and Harry's gotten progressively squirmier. He's close to tipping over, and that's why Louis decided to make his move. It's another step, a progression to what Louis really can't wait to try with his boy. He's just gotta take his time, build up to it.

He feels a jump in his veins when Harry's phone starts buzzing.

"Gonna answer that?" Louis asks after a moment.

"Oh. Um. Yeah- yeah," Harry replies, hissing a little as he reaches to grab his phone. "It's Zayn."

"Go ahead babes," Louis encourages. Harry seems unsteady as he accepts the call and lifts the phone to his ear.

"Hi Zayn," Harry says, his voice just a tad higher and a bit breathier than normal. "What's um- what's up?"

Louis doesn't hear Zayn's reply, just garbled speech through the phone.

"Oh, the psych assignment! Yeah I was working on that a little while ago. What's confusing you?"

Louis grips Harry's hips tighter and Harry breathes in sharply.

"Yeah, no I'm fine- Lou and I are just watching a show."

Garbled reply.

"Um, Friends."

Louis shifts a little, getting into a better position.

"The episode where Phoebe- oh! " Harry gasps suddenly as Louis lifts him up quickly and yanks him back down on his cock. "Um- Phoebe thinks that cat is- is her mom."

Louis holds Harry's hips firmly in place and begins moving him in circles, fucking up into him shallowly. Harry's breaths quicken and he falls back against Louis' chest, head resting on his shoulder.

"Chandler is um-" Harry lets out a high sound at a particularly sharp thrust against his prostate and Louis smirks, feeling Harry tremble. "He's- he and Joey got robbed."

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