i know who i am (and i'm not no good)

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Louis doesn't know what's wrong.

Harry keeps fidgeting around on Louis' bed, lying back against the pillows for a few minutes before moving to sit with his head by the end of it, propped up on Louis' thigh. He crosses his legs and uncrosses them, puts his hands in his lap then removes them, fixes his hair and ruffles it up again. Louis suggested that he borrow a pair of his joggers for a bit because "maybe those jeans are too tight, Haz" but that was met with resistance, with wide eyes and a stammering "no- no I-I'm good."

Louis doesn't know what's wrong and it's making him uneasy.

There's music drifting through the room lazily, taking it's time as it reaches Louis' ears, but Harry doesn't seem to hear it at all. His favourite song comes on (the one with the "I live for you I long for you" chorus) but he doesn't react, instead biting down on the end of his pencil and shuffling underneath the blanket Louis keeps messily slung over his headboard. There's a pillow in Harry's lap to prop up the kitty-printed notebook he's scribbling in and his hair's messy around his face and Louis can't help but stare at him for a little bit. He's just so... pretty, and young. Louis has this constant desire to grab his chubby cheeks and kiss him right on those puffy, bubblegum lips until they both forget how to breathe.

But now something's wrong with Harry and maybe it isn't the best time to dream about kissing his lips off his face.

"Do you want some water, or something?" Louis asks tentatively. He stretches his legs out so his toes teasingly tickle Harry's knee. "Loosen up a bit, lad. It's Friday! School's out till Monday! We're partying later, we can get drunk..." He trails off, smile plastered on his sun-tanned face, hoping it's a contagious one that shows up on Harry's face as well.

No such luck.

Harry swallows down the knot in his throat as he says "yeah, yeah. It'll be ace." He knows it sounds like a lie and it is, a bit. Harry is expecting tonight to be everything but ace because if he has to look at Louis while he's looking like this (hair mussed up, boxer briefs clinging to his thighs, to other places, eyes with that mischievous glint to them), he's fucking screwed. He can barely control himself now and he's only been in Louis' house for less than two hours.

Louis' happy expression falls when Harry doesn't mimic his excitement. Instead, his little curls seem less bouncy and his bubblegum lips seem more pouty and although it's absolutely adorable, it's not what Louis hoped to accomplish. In an effort to tease and charm, the older boy nudges at the pillow on Harry's lap and knocks the kitten-printed notebook off the surface, sending it to bounce on the mattress. The jerking motion of the moving pillow against Harry's crotch makes him catch his breath, forces him to take a few deep breaths. It's getting to the point where it's fucking painful but there's really nothing he can do about it other than will his erection to go down, down to the point where it isn't noticeable anymore.

"You good?" Louis asks. His smile is still there but it's waning and his eyebrows are crinkled in concern. Harry nods but can't help the hand that trails to grab at his throbbing member, squeezing just enough to sate it for a couple more minutes. "Seriously Harry, if you need anything just let me know -"

"Could I have those joggers you offered a bit ago?"

Louis blinks once, twice, three times before answering with a stumbled "y-yeah, I guess." He rises to his feet and fixes his briefs where they rode up on his thighs. "Those jeans bothering you?"

"They're just a little bit small," Harry answers shakily.

"I hope these fit - they were a bit big on me when I bought 'em." Louis throws the pair of sweats at Harry's face and they land on his head, prompting a little giggle from Harry's tummy. "Here, I'll take the blanket so you can get up and change."

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