everything - 3/4

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Harry gives him an awaiting look. Louis takes the forgotten dildo and a bottle of lubricant. Harry's eyes lit up with desire. Louis moves slowly, letting his boyfriends who are usually slow enough, now slowed down with the headspace, realize what's about to happen, if he wants to stop. He doesn't, of course, and seeing Louis fingers are coated with slick and wet gel now he squirms his butt in anticipation. Louis chuckles to himself mischievously and with Harry's approving look he slips the blindfold back to his eyes

„Needy slut."

Harry instead answers squirms some more. Louis touches his dick, gives him a few intense strokes and moves his hand down to his balls and then down even a bit more. Harry is whining and thrusting his hips, trying to catch Louis' attention - he'd like some more friction on his dick. But he knows he's not allowed to talk unless it's a safeword. And he definitely doesn't want to use that. Louis pushes the lace away from his hole. Finally, Harry whimpers and stops moving so much, letting Louis do his thing, because this is what he wants very, very much. Louis fingers in himself.

„So pink," Louis says quietly. „And beautiful. I'm sure I can stretch it far today, what do you think, Harry?"

Harry whines approvingly and Louis is okay with that. He circles his wet finger around Harry's hole few times, pushes a bit, making Harry moan again and again and pushing his hips up helplessly. Louis complies his silent beg and pushes one finger inside of him. Harry moans sweetly and moves to the rhythm Louis is moving his finger, all slow and nice.

„Do you like that, slut?" he asks his sub.

Harry nods and moves intensively, holding up the rhythm. Louis smiles and adds a second finger - Harry's moans are the best composition to listen to. Louis is stretching his boy slowly, he wants him to be prepared for today's fun. He's massaging him on the inside, remembering the few times he's made Harry cum from prostate massaging without any touch on Harry's dick. He can do that today, he is sure, but there is a thing he wants to try. That's why there is a camera on the shelf. Louis hums to himself, takes the camera and brings it close to Harry's ass.

„I have a camera here, slut," Louis says and Harry moans hard.

Louis knows Harry loves this.

„I am now filming your beautiful ass as it is being stretched by my fingers..." Harry's moans interrupt Louis' dirty talking and Louis smirks with satisfaction. „Do you think you can take three fingers, slut?"

Harry moans and nods.

„Use your words, Harry."

„Yes... yes, I'm a slut. I can take... I can... I want," Harry whimpers eagerly.

Louis complies and adds a third finger, the camera on focus to that. „Good slut. Harry is a good boy for his dom."

Harry moans happily and thrusts his hips on Louis fingers.

„All stretched for me. You could take my dick now, do you think so, slut?" Louis asks mostly himself since he didn't tell Harry to use words, but Harry nods eagerly and hums and whines and pushes his hips down on Louis fingers. „You are a very good sub, Harry... very lovely. I think I should reward you with something, shouldn't I? What about rimming for my good boy? Is my slut up for it?"

Harry squeals and jerks his hips heavily and moans louder than before.

„Good slut," Louis praises. „So good for me. You are a very good boy, Harry. Can you beg for my tongue from the camera? It's filming your face now. Your pretty red lipstick smeared across your face. You are a dirty slut, aren't you? Use your words and tell your dom how much you want him to rim you."

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