business or pleasure

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Harry arrived at his cubicle an hour before he was due to work, partly because he was always early, but partly because he was hoping to get all his work done and be sent on a coffee run before his boss came in. He threw his bag down, ran a hand through his messy curls, and sat down, his chair rolling slightly away from his desk and making him scramble for a hand hold.

"You alright, Harry?"

Josh, Harry's coworker, was looking at him strangely from his adjacent cubicle, and Harry nodded, praying that he wasn't as flushed as he felt.

"Oh, alright then. By the way, Mr. Tomlinson came in early today, he said to send you up to his office as soon as you got here. Not sure what he wants, though."

Harry felt his face drain of color and his heart, which had calmed down mostly, now rabbitted back up into the rapid pulse from the night before. He swallowed, nodded in thanks to Josh, and stood up. He brushed his hands on his pants, suddenly feeling very hot all over, and headed for the elevator, now more than ever regretting taking that picture in the first place.


Harry was finally home from work, fed, and horny as fuck. He laid sprawled out on his admittedly large bed, trying to decide whether he should watch porn or sext via Snapchat, which was a new find of his. He went to some of his saved videos and cupped himself over his sweats, smirking at the feeling of no boxers under his pants. Sometimes his forgetfulness paid off.

When he was finally getting hard and becoming nicely sensitive, he clicked on his snapchat and pulled up his favorite person. Luke was always up for sex, and Harry really wanted someone to just talk him through this, maybe even tease and edge him a little. He was just in the mood for it tonight.

Hey L ... super horny ... wanna help me out?

Harry accompanied this with a picture of his hands over his sweats, his bulge pressing and straining against the material and hit send. He had barely locked his phone when he had a response, and he opened it, humming as he saw Luke's naked chest, one hand sneaking down towards his shorts. No caption was needed for that one. Harry sent a snap of his face next, biting his lip in an attempt to look sexy. He thought it looked sexy, anyway.

Talk me through it?

He left the app open this time, knowing that Luke would respond quickly, and sure enough, a video message popped up.

"You look so good baby, touch yourself for me? Show me how wet you are," Luke said in a raspy voice, slowly teasing as he pulled down his pants to reveal the tip of his cock. Harry whimpered and pointed his phone towards his crotch, rubbing over his clothed cock until a spot appeared on the front of his sweats. He took a video of that and sent it, starting to pant a little with how badly he wanted to come already.

"Baby, you're so hot. Play with those nipples for me, I know they're sensitive," Luke's next video message rang in Harry's ears and he videoed himself doing as he was told, slipping his hand under his sweats as the video sent. The feeling of his hand on his bare cock made his hips jump up and he gasped, trying to hold in his noises. His head was getting fuzzy and he was feeling so warm and aroused with the building pressure, but he relished in it, wishing that Luke, or anyone, really, was there to dominate him.

Harry's phone buzzed and he reached for it, feeling his forehead break into a sweat as his hand started to speed up on his cock. It was a picture of Luke's naked cock, leaking and hard, and accompanied by a message.

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