you're my little sparkle

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here's part two of the "camboy louis" series, also last top harry FOR TODAY i promise i'll find more besties now enjoy!


The motor noises of Harry's expensive Cadillac are loud in the Friday evening silence of the suburban neighborhood. He parks the car in front of the Tomlinson's house after passing by the familiar park, careful not to scrape his tires against the curb of the sidewalk.

The air is heavy and hot as Harry walks up the small staircase in front of the white house with a red roof, knocking on the door.

Jay is the one to answer it. "Harry!" she says, "It's nice to see you again."

Harry's meetings have been rescheduled to this day and tomorrow after they were so suddenly canceled two weeks ago so now the man is staying at the Tomlinson's house once again.

He walks in and brings his bag up to the guestroom, trying to peek into Louis' room through the slightly ajar door but it seems like the boy isn't there.

Jay is waiting for him when he goes back downstairs. "Mark is fixing something in the garage and I'm going to prepare dinner. You can just relax in the backyard, Louis is there too."

She disappears into the direction of the kitchen after directing Harry into the living room. The big glass doors are open, light curtains softly moving from the soft breeze.

Harry slowly walks outside until he's standing on the porch. It's hot, even for a late summer day and some patches of the grass are dry. A swimming pool is faintly glimmering behind the bushes and there are some chairs near it.

The man steps down into the garden towards the chairs where he expects Louis. They haven't had any contact since Harry visited the family last time and fucked Louis in the guest room.

Louis was gone when Harry woke up and he apparently stayed in his room the whole morning and Harry didn't get to see him before he left.

When Harry walks past the bushes he can see Louis laying on his back on a pink flamingo floatie in the pool. The inflatable thing is big enough for the little boy to lay on top with just his fingertips and feet hanging down and grazing the cerulean water.

The best thing is that Louis is only wearing a frilly pink bikini bottom with a cute strawberry pattern. Harry is in no way prepared for that sight, staring at Louis' exposed tan skin like a creep.

The younger boy's pretty face is partly covered by a pair of heart shaped sunglasses and he looks so peaceful, bathing in golden sunshine.

Louis suddenly sits up slightly so he's resting on his elbows, lifting a delicate hand to push the sunglasses on top of his messy brown fringe. "Oh, hi," he says, slightly blushing, "I forgot you'd come here." He's smiling widely at the man with twinkling blue eyes, outshining the sun.

Harry is still awkwardly staring at him and Louis giggles cutely. "I know I'm pretty, you can stop eye-fucking me now."

Harry slowly sits down on one of the chairs next to the pool and leans back, crossing his right ankle over his left leg. "You'd rather be fucked for real, right?"

Louis almost looses his balance for a moment and the flamingo floatie wobbles slightly. He turns around so he's laying on his tummy, the movement causing bright blue ripples in the pool.

Harry's eyes are fixed on the boy's round arse, the curve of his small back and where his arse cheeks meet his thighs. The man wants nothing more than to touch him, run his big hands all over Louis' small body and land a few slaps on his perfect ass.

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