and this is how it starts

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The first time they approach the subject, they're making out on Harry's bed.

Louis is leaning over her, thighs bracketing Harry's lean ones and making sure there's a gap between their heated bodies to keep Harry comfortable. Their lips mold together and tongues slide smoothly, and Harry makes pleased noises every once in a while, low whines and muffled hums that Louis relishes.

Nipping on Harry's lower lip, Louis lets her body hang lower so that their breasts push against each other softly and she can kiss Harry with more intent. There's something insanely hot about having Harry pliant and warm below her, and Louis can't get enough, kisses prolonged until her lungs ache.

Harry registers the newfound proximity a second later, and she freezes below Louis, unlatching their lips and turning her head to the side.

Not wanting to push her girlfriend past her limits, Louis sits up on her knees and looks down at Harry, concern etched into her features.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks.

Harry's blush intensifies, and her green eyes shoot up to the ceiling.

"Nothing," she tries. Louis stares.

"It's embarrassing."

Resting a comforting hand on Harry's thigh, Louis digs deeper.

"You know you can talk to me, Haz."

Harry sighs. "I just-- I really want you, Lou, and I know that I want...things, but I have no idea what to do or, But I wanna be able to make you feel good too, y'know?"

Louis smiles at Harry. She's adorable and innocent, and even as flustered as she is, Louis wants to cuddle her (and also ravish her a little because damn, do her lips get red when kissing).

"It's okay, love, we don't have to rush," Louis comforts, sitting up next to Harry and linking their hands. "We can watch that Jennifer Lawrence movie you've been raving 'bout."

Harry turns her head to face Louis and kisses her softly.

"Thanks Lou, love you."


When they're at school next week and Harry pulls Louis away, she doesn't expect the first words out of her mouth to be "I tried some stuff yesterday night."

It takes Louis a beat to respond.

"What kind of stuff?"

Harry blushes almost immediately, and by the way she fidgets, Louis can tell she's nervous.

" getting myself off," she mumbles. Louis kind of wants to chuckle at how she says it like a shy kid confessing her disobedience right now. She doesn't laugh, though, because Harry is opening up to Louis and Louis wouldn't do that to her.

"Did it feel good?" Louis prompts gently. She doesn't want to push harry too much, but at the same time this is a very interesting development.

"Yeah, but I don't really get the point. After a while my hand just got tired," Harry answers, and she sounds mildly frustrated. Louis thinks she would be, too, if she weren't able to come, but it's different for Harry because she doesn't know what she's missing.

Before they'd met, Harry was too good for her own sake, listened to her parents all the time and tried not to argue with anyone. She was the image of a saint, and Louis, with her red hair and spiky heels, had been instantaneously attracted. It'd been hard to approach her, but after a while Louis got to see this whole new side of Harry that was funny and goofy yet astoundingly smart, and she'd fallen in love with it.

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