i have often prayed for an angel

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"Fucking finally," Louis grumbles as he shuts the door behind him. "Don't get how leaving in the same fucking car is more suspicious than separating us all the time and making either of us stay back to get stuck in the bloody traffic."

Taking his shoes off, he notices the lack of response from Harry, who was supposed to be here by now seeing as to how they made him leave in the first car this time around. Louis' eyebrows furrow in confusion at the odd silence. He hopes Harry isn't asleep. After what happened onstage earlier that night, he had something in store for his boy. A good fuck in other words.

"Harry? Babe?" Louis calls out, walking further into the hotel room. "Did you pass out on me or somethi—"

The question gets caught in his throat because there—leaning against the wall leading to the bedroom—is Harry, clad in the new set of panties Louis bought him last week. They're white, with soft pink trimmings and Harry's paired them off with softly painted fuchsia lips and a pair of pointy pink heels that Louis knows he's a pro at walking in. His hair falls in loose clean ringlets to frame the curve of his angular face, and the tattoos on his porcelain skin glint shallowly in the dim light. He looks like a piece of art as per usual, but what really makes Louis stop breathing in awe are the angel wings strapped to his back, peeking out from either side of his head.

"Been waiting for ages Daddy," Harry whispers, his words contradicting his innocent appearance. Louis feels himself rapidly growing hard as Harry straightens up from his position on the wall and starts to walk slowly towards him. "What do you think?"

He poises right in front of Louis, hands on his hips and lips twisted in a small but knowing smile. Louis remembers a time when Harry would hide himself away in self-consciousness and shame. But now here he was, unabashedly putting himself on display for Louis. It's such a lovely thing, not only knowing but also seeing how much his baby has blossomed over the years, just like a pretty flower.

Louis' breath hitches as Harry peers up at him from beneath his lashes. He licks his lips before finally answering.

"H..." he breathes, raking his eyes over Harry's body. "You look—fuck. You look absolutely amazing. So delicious. I can't wait to get my mouth on you."

The blush on Harry's face is immediate, just like it is whenever Louis compliments him.

"Thank you Daddy," he breathes, taking another step towards Louis. He wraps his arms around his neck, the heels making him a few more inches taller. He giggles when Louis pouts, standing on his toes in an attempt to equalize their heights.

"I was hoping I could blow you," he whispers and Louis tightens his hold on his hips, squeezing at the layer of chub that surrounds the area but which he loves so much as his dick twitches with interest. His eyes glue to Harry's purple lips, already imagining how they'd look like wrapped around him. "And then I was hoping you'd fuck me."

"That can definitely be arranged," Louis rasps, running a thumb over Harry's bottom lip. "Let's take this to the bedroom first, yeah?"

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